Entrance to education: New database tables and changes to figures for 2020 in database tables

Date of change:

New database tables were added to the statistics on entrance to education

Two new database tables contain pre-calculated percentage shares for immediate applying and placement of passers of the matriculation examination and completers of the 9th grade of comprehensive school. The third new database table contains pre-calculated percentage shares of applicants to education and new students by previous qualification.

The fourth new database table includes entrance to further studies by passers of the matriculation examination completed in 2015 to 2021 (number and %) during three years from graduation.

Corrections to the database tables of the statistics on entrance to education

The figures for 2020 concerning vocational education (initial vocational education, further vocational qualification, specialist vocational qualification) were previously deficient and they were corrected.

A limitation was added to those having completed comprehensive school education in 2020 in database Table 11g4 and the database table applies to persons aged under 19 according to database Table 11fy (the same population).

Further information

Jenni Väisänen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3812