Changes in the statistics on support for learning

Date of change:

Statistcs: support for learning

Information about the change

In 2022, Statistics Finland collected for the first time data on support for learning in pre-primary education in early childhood education and care. Four database tables were produced for this in connection with the statistics.

In two database tables (137r and 13p8) the value “unknown” was calculated for missing data on place of implementation, data are available for grade data on pre-primary education, grades 1 to 6 and grades 7 to 9.

Seven database tables were moved to the archive database.

New database tables

new database table, identifier and name

The database tables to be archived 

database tables to be moved to the archive, identifier and name:

  • 113q -- Comprehensive school pupils having received intensified or special support by area, 2011-2019
  • 114a -- Comprehensive school pupils having received special support by area, 2005-2019
  • 114b -- Comprehensive school pupils having received special support by place of implementationof teaching, 2011-2019
  • 114c -- Pupils having received part-time special education in school years, school year 2005/2006 -- school year 2018/2019
  • 114d -- Comprehensive school pupils having received intensified or special support by form of support and area, 2011-2019
  • 136g -- Comprehensive school pupils having received intensified or special support by vuosiluokka and area, 2011-2019
  • 137p -- Comprehensive school pupils having received intensified or special support by vuosiluokka and area, 2020

The database tables are in Finnish, Swedish and English. 

See all database tables of the statistics in the StatFin database. The database tables to be archived are available in the StatFin archive database.

Further information

Heli Hiltunen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3314