Education and research

Intensified or special support was received by 24 per cent of comprehensive school pupils in 2022

release | Support for learning 2022


The statistics on support for learning were renewed: included are now data on support for learning in pre-primary education provided in connection with early childhood education and care. Old database tables were moved to the archive database.
Read more about the change

According to Statistics Finland's data, an increasing number of comprehensive school pupils received support for learning in 2022. Intensified support was received by 79,200, or 13.9 per cent of comprehensive school pupils and special support by 55,500, or 9.7 per cent of comprehensive school pupils. The share of pupils having received intensified and special support grew by 0.7 percentage points from the year before.

Key selections

  • Among the recipients of intensified support, 61 per cent were boys and 39 per cent girls. Sixty-nine per cent of the recipients of special support were boys and 31 per cent girls. Fifty-one per cent of comprehensive school pupils were boys and 49 per cent girls in 2022.
  • Thirty-four per cent of pupils receiving special support in grades 1 to 6 received all education in a special group or class, the corresponding share for grades 7 to 9 was 29 per cent in 2022.
  • In the regions, the combined numbers of intensified and special support vary from 20 to 31 per cent.
  • Intensified or special support was received by 11 per cent of pupils in pre-primary education provided in connection with early childhood education and care. Seventy-two per cent of them were boys and 28 per cent girls.
  • A total of 39,100 students in vocational education leading to a qualification received special support in 2022. For the first time, there were more women than men among support recipients.


The statistics on support for learning were renewed: included are now data on support for learning in pre-primary education provided in connection with early childhood education and care. Old database tables were moved to the archive database.
Read more about the change

Database tables

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Area
  • Type of educational institution
Classifications used:
    Classifications used:
    • Grades
    • Gender
    Removed database tables

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    Statistical experts

    Inquiries primarily
    Heli Hiltunen
    Senior Statistician
    029 551 3314
    Head of Department in charge