Release of the statistics on Energy supply and consumption 2023, 3rd quarter has been corrected

Date of correction:

Statistics: energy supply and consumption

Release: energy supply and consumption 2023, 3rd quarter, 19.12.2023

Corrected database table, identifier and name

Description of the correction

An error found in the consumption data of natural gas for 2023 was corrected. The corrected figures for natural gas consumption in the body text and ready-made table are 31,531 TJ, i.e. a fall of five per cent from the previous year (previously 46,882 TJ, i.e. a growth of 47 per cent). In addition, a decrease of one per cent (previously 0%) in total energy consumption was corrected in the heading and a fall of 10 per cent in fossil energy (previously 5%) under key selections.

Further information

Aleksi Sandberg
Senior Statistician
029 551 3326