Index of real estate maintenance costs: The base year of the statistics is updated from 2015 to 2021

Date of change:

Information about the change

The base year of the index of real estate maintenance costs is changed to 2021=100 when the data for the first quarter of 2024 are released on 14 June 2024. In connection with the change, the content of the index is renewed and the weight structures are updated.

In relation to the revision, the classifications of the index stay mostly unchanged. The index data are still presented classified by cost item and building type. The only content change concerns the category wholesale and retail trade buildings, which is divided into shopping centres and other wholesale and retail trade buildings.

The database tables of the revised 2021=100 index replace the tables of the previous base year 2015=100 in the open StatFin database. All database tables of old base years are available in the chargeable Built environment service.

Further information

Martti Korhonen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3451