Students and qualifications: Data of the general upper secondary education were corrected

Date of correction:


  • ⁠Students and qualifications 2021, general upper secondary education, 9.6.2022
  • Students and qualifications 2022, general upper secondary education, 9.6.2023
  • Students and qualifications 2021, 25.10.2022
  • ⁠Students and qualifications 2022, 25.10.2023

Description of the correction

In the releases of the statistics on students and qualifications on 9 June 2022 and 9 June 2023 concerning general upper secondary education and on 25 October 2022 and 25 October 2023 concerning education leading to a qualification or degree, data were published on completers of the international matriculation
examination, Deutsche Internationale Abitur; Reifeprufung (Dia) in 2021 and
2022. The figures for those having completed the Dia qualification published at
that time were 57 (in 2021) and 58 (in 2022). The correct figures are 26
qualifications (in 2021) and 29 qualifications (in 2022).

The text of the release of 9 June 2022 on students and qualifications 2021 was corrected as follows:

The Helsinki German School 57 DIA diplomas.

Corrected to: The Helsinki German School 26 DIA diplomas.

The text of the release of 9 June 2023 on students and qualifications 2022 was corrected as follows:

A total of 639 international diplomas were completed.

Corrected to: A total of 610 international diplomas were completed.

The Helsinki German School 58 DIA diplomas.

Corrected to: The Helsinki German School 29 DIA diplomas.

Corrected database table, identifier and name