Education and research

Students in education leading to a qualification or degree numbered 1.4 million in 2021

release | Students and qualifications 2021


The numbers of students and of new students have been corrected for 2021.
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Changes in database tables in these statistics. New tables will be published on 25 October 2022 and old tables will be transferred to the archive.
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According to Statistics Finland, the total number of students in education leading to a qualification or degree was 1.39 million in 2021. The number of students grew by 0.1 per cent in basic education, by 2.6 per cent in general upper secondary education, by seven per cent in vocational education, by five per cent in university of applied sciences education and by two per cent in university education.

Key selections

  • In 2021, there were 315,800 new students and altogether 1,387,000 students in education leading to a qualification or degree, and 220,100 qualifications or degrees were completed.
  • Fifty-two per cent of students and 55 per cent of attainers of qualifications or degrees were women.
  • Technology and health and welfare were the biggest fields of education in post-comprehensive school education.
  • Altogether 88,800 students had a nationality other than Finnish. There were 174 different nationalities among those studying in Finland.
  • Foreign-language speaking students numbered 146,300 and they spoke 140 different native languages.


Changes in database tables in these statistics. New tables will be published on 25 October 2022 and old tables will be transferred to the archive.
Read more about the change


See key statistical data in the tables.

New students, students and qualifications in education leading to a qualification 2021

Database tables

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New database tables
Classifications used:
  • Sector of Education
  • Level of education
  • Field of education
  • Gender
  • Nationality
Classifications used:
  • Sector of Education
  • Level of education
  • Field of education
  • Gender
  • First language
Removed database tables

Future releases

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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Heli Hiltunen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3314
Head of Department in charge