Questionnaire on special education and religion and worldview studies in basic education

Statistics Finland conducts the separate data collection “Questionnaire on special education and religion and worldview studies in basic education” commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture, because the current legislation on the Koski database does not allow all data essential regarding support for learning and school attendance and religion and worldview studies to be stored in the database.

The inquiry collects data on comprehensive school pupils receiving intensified and special support on 20 September 2024 and on part-time special education of comprehensive schools for the school year 2023 to 2024 and on religion and worldview studied taught in basic education (also to adults) on 20 September 2024. The web form is open between 1 November and 31 December 2024.

The data needed for calculating central government transfers to local government are retrieved from the Koski database.

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Is the inquiry mandatory?
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From whom are data collected?

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All data collected for statistical purposes are confidential. When processing data, it is seen to that no person's privacy or business or professional secret are endangered. Every person employed by Statistics Finland has signed a pledge of secrecy.