Labour cost index in the private sector

In the inquiry for the labour cost index, data are collected quarterly from data suppliers on the size of personnel and volume of labour input, wage and salary costs, and social cost tariff or the percentage share of social security contributions of the wages and salaries sum. In manufacturing, data are broken down by form of remuneration (hourly vs. monthly paid), in service industries by part-time employment. 

In most industries the sample comprises enterprises employing at least 30 wage and salary earners. In industries dominated by small enterprises (construction, wholesale and retail trade, hotel and restaurant activities, real estate activities, professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative and support services) enterprises employing at least 20 wage and salary earners belong to the population. The sample is updated annually. The size of the sample is good 2,000 enterprises.

Respond to the inquiry

Please answer by 1.8.2024!

The objective of the quarterly statistics on labour costs is to describe changes in the costs of an hour worked in the short term. Monitoring labour costs is important, e.g. for Finland's competitiveness, and the statistics constitute an important source of information both nationally and at the EU level. Every response is important for the reliability of the
statistical data.

This is how to respond

Instructions for responding

Respond online

Log in to the form with the Start responding button either via identification or with the user ID and password sent by Statistics Finland. For further information, see the Identification section. 

You can view the questions by means of the instructions for responding available in the help file. More detailed instructions for responding are given on the web form. 


Do you need help?

Assistance with responding
User IDs and passwords
Inquiries about data content

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What are the data used for?
How does our enterprise benefit from participating in the inquiry?
What to do when the enterprise closes operation or continues with a new Business ID?
How to reply hours worked and wages and salaries in the statistics, when hours have been worked during the reporting quarter but wages and salaries related to them are paid later?
How is seniority increment reported?
Where are retrospective pay increases reported?
Where are other retrospectively paid pay items reported?
Where is advance holiday pay reported?
Should persons aged under 17 and over 68, for example, be taken into account in the sum of social insurance contributions?
How is leave in lieu of holiday pay reported?
How do I report on the form that a salaried employee's work on Easter Sunday is compensated next week with a paid leave of two days?
How should working time bank hours and pay be handled?
How is a synthetic option reported?

Future due dates

This inquiry is repeated at regular intervals.

Labour cost index in the private sector

Due date for response:

Labour cost index in the private sector

Due date for response:

Data protection, rights and obligations

All data collected for statistical purposes are confidential. When processing data, it is seen to that no person's privacy or business or professional secret are endangered. Every person employed by Statistics Finland has signed a pledge of secrecy.

Data protection
Exemption from the obligation to provide data