Data protection description 23 May 2018: Register of the chat customer service

1. Controller of the register

Statistics Finland
Postal address: FI-00022 Statistics Finland
Visiting address: Työpajankatu 13, Helsinki, Finland
Telephone: +358 29 551 1000 (switchboard)

Contact person: Maija Lauren, tel. +358 29 551 3455,

Person responsible for data protection:

2. Name of the register

Statistics Finland's chat customer service

3. Purpose for the processing of personal data

The chat customer service is an interactive discussion channel on the web. The chat service was established to support the findability of Statistics Finland's data with personal electronic customer service. Recording of the discussion and fixed-term storage ensure that the customer and the service personnel can verify the quality of the instructions given afterwards if necessary. Recordings can be used in training to improve customer service and to develop the service activity.

4. Data subjects and data concerning them (group/groups of data subjects and data or data groups relating to them)

The register of the chat customer service contains Statistics Finland’s customers having used the chat service and Statistics Finland's customer service representatives having served these customers in the chat service.

Users of the chat discussion can communicate anonymously, registration is not required from visitors. The chat service collects the following information from the discussions:

  • The content of the discussion conducted
  • Numbers
  • Length
  • The number of messages in the discussion
  • Time

The chat service collects the following information from the discussion participants:

  • Source page
  • IP address
  • Operator
  • Country
  • Town
  • Browser
  • Operating system
  • Current page

5. Regular release and transfer of personal data outside the European Union or the European Economic Area

As a rule, personal data are not transferred outside the EU or the EEA, but personal data processed in the service may be processed outside or from outside the EU/EEA countries in possible ICT support functions. Elisa ensures that, in the country where personal data are processed, a sufficient data protection level is guaranteed in accordance with the European Commission’s decision, or alternatively, an appropriate legal protection measure is applied to the transfer, such as the EU's standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data outside the EEA countries. The data necessary for implementing the service are defined as data to be transferred.

6. Regular sources of data for the register

Data given by the customer and produced during the chat contact concerning the customer, the contact person and the content of the discussion.

7. Principles applied in the protection of the data in the register

All Statistics Finland's employees sign a pledge of secrecy in which the employees pledge not to disclose the confidential data they receive in their work. Data may be handled at Statistics Finland only by persons who need them for their tasks.

The protection of register data is based on passage control, personal user IDs and restricted access rights. Customer service representatives that use the chat system have personal user IDs and passwords.

8. Storage period of personal data

Data described in Section 4 are stored on Google’s server in the EU area. The data are retained for 35 days.