General government deficit and debt
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Government Finance
Related topics: National Accounts
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
These statistics contain data on the deficit and debt of government finance in Finland. Twice yearly the Member States of the European Union report data on their so-called EDP deficits and debts to the EU Commission. The data are used in the context of the EU’s Stability and Growth Pact to assess the state of government finances in the Member States. The reporting is a constituent part of what is known as the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP). The reported data are produced in compliance with the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) and a separate EU Regulation. The data reported by the different Member States are comparable with each other.
Data content
The information system contains data on the deficit and debt of general government in Finland and on factors causes changes to them, as well as data on differences in the EDP deficits and budget deficits of central and local governments and social security funds.
The data are public.
Classifications used
European System of Accounts ESA 2010; Eurostat 2013
Classification of Sectors 2012; Handbooks 5, Statistics Finland
Data collection methods and data sources
The report is compiled by utilising as sources reports of the State Treasury and data concerning general government in national accounts and financial accounts.
Data collections
Updating frequency
The data are reported to the Commission twice a year (at the end of March and September).
Time of completion or release
Initial preliminary data concerning the previous year are released by 1 March. If revised source data become available during March, the data can be updated at the end of March. Revised data are released at the end of September.
Time series
Time series are available starting from 1975 on both EDP deficit and EDP debt.
central government debt, debts, general government, government debt, government finance, municipal finances, public sector, social security funds
Contact information
Last updated 30.01.2020