Real estate prices
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Housing
Related topics: Prices and Costs
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
These statistics describe the levels of the prices and changes in the prices of single-family houses and single-family house plots quarterly and annually.
Data content
The published tables depict the development of prices (nominal and real price indices), the level of prices and the number of made transactions.
Classifications used
Whole country, Helsinki Metropolitan Area, rest of finland, satellite municipalities, provinces, major regions.
Data collection methods and data sources
The data on transaction prices are obtained from the real estate register of the National Land Survey of Finland and these are combined with data from the real estate information system of the Population Register Centre. Due to low number of transaction, large price fluctuations and the used statistical methodology, the indices are published by a less detailed regional division than prices of dwellings. Detailed information about realised prices of real estate transactions is available from the real estate transaction register of the National Land Survey of Finland (Web Slice in Finnish,, tel. +358 29 530 1110.
Updating frequency
Quarterly; March, June, September and December.
Time of completion or release
The statistics rae ready and released 2.5 months from the end of the quarter.
Time series
Annual data are available starting from 1985. Since 1994, the data have been published quarterly.
detached houses, housing, index for detached houses, indices, plots, price index for detached house plots, price indices, prices, real estate
Contact information
Additional information
Petri Kettunen Phone: +358 29 551 3558, Elina Vuorio Phone: +358 29 551 3385
Last updated 17.11.2021