Motor vehicle stock
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Transport and Tourism
Related topics:
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
Statistics Finland’s statistics on motor vehicles are based on the traffic affairs register of Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom), which contains data on all road transport vehicles liable for registration on Mainland Finland. Ålands Fordonsmyndigheten supplies to Statistics Finland annual statistics on first registrations on the Åland Islands, and these data are added to the long time series on first registrations. Vehicles in the separate register of the defence forces are not included in Statistics Finland’s statistics on motor vehicles.
Data content
Vehicles (automobiles, motorcycles, mopeds, snowmobiles, agricultural tractors, motor-driven machines and trailers) included in the vehicle register at the end of each quarter. Only year-end data from the separate register of the Åland Islands.
Data on different types of vehicles by e.g. motive power (petrol, diesel) and intended use (private, licensed) and number of passenger cars per capita of population.
Other data: make, model, year of first registration and diverse technical details of vehicle. In addition, data describing the owner and user of a vehicle. Unit-specific data are not released.
Classifications used
Regional divisions based on municipalities, i.e. whole country, province, region, sub-regional unit and municipality. The statistics can also be produced by postal code area.
Data collection methods and data sources
Traficom 's traffic affairs register from which data are drawn for Statistics Finland quarterly. Data on the vehicle stock of the Åland Islands annually.
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
The data are published according to the release calender.
Time series
Data are available starting from 1922.
buses, coaches, lorries, motor vehicles, motorcar, motorcycles, vehicle register, vehicle stock, vehicles
Contact information
Additional information
The data can be linked with those on population, dwellings, enterprises and traffic accidents.
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Last updated 11.03.2019