Turnover estimate of large enterprises
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Enterprises
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Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): No
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The turnover estimate of large enterprises describes the development of turnover in the most important enterprises in their industries at a lag of around one month from the end of the statistical reference month. The data used for calculating the preliminary data comprise of around 2,000 enterprises in manufacturing, construction, trade and other service industries included in the sales inquiry. Turnover does not include value added tax and as a rule, corresponds to turnover data according to the Accounting Act. For the construction enterprises included in the statistics, turnover comprises domestic sales.
The calculation is based on estimation of change. The calculation includes data on the enterprises for which comparable data on turnover are available for both the examined month and the corresponding month of the previous year. The obtained sums are used to calculate annual changes. The annual changes thus obtained are used to raise the turnover index of the corresponding month of the previous year.
Indices of turnover are published comprehensively on the industries of trade, other services, manufacturing and construction as well. We also produce to order special compilations of data on the turnover and export turnover of other industries, enterprise groups and different areas.
Data content
The statistics are published monthly at a lag of around 30 days based on data from the sales inquiry. The data are released on the level of the whole group of enterprises, and the release does not include data by industry.
Classifications used
Standard Industrial Classification 2008.
Data collection methods and data sources
The turnover estimate of large enterprises is based on Statistics Finland's sales inquiry. The sales inquiry mainly asks about turnover at enterprise level, but to improve purity by industry, enterprises operating in multiple industries are divided into industry-specific units. Basic information on enterprises, such as their industry, which is available from Statistics Finland’s Register of Enterprises and Establishments, is also utilised in calculating the indices.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Approximately 30 days from the end of the statistical reference period.
Time series
Starting from 2010. The base year of the time series is 2015 (2015=100).
indices, turnover, large enterprises, business cycles, industries
Contact information
Last updated 24.03.2021