Income distribution statistics
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Income and Consumption
Related topics: Living Conditions
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The income distribution statistics describe the distribution of the annual income of households and income differentials between different population groups. The statistics describe the amount of disposable income and its formation from different sources when taking taxation and income transfers into consideration. Income and its distribution are also examined by groups according to level of income, socio-economic status, stage in life cycle and area of residence. The statistics also describe the earned and entrepreneurial incomes of household members.
Data content
Income of households and persons, structure of income, distribution of income between different population groups. Income is classified in detail. The statistics describe the gross income, wage and salary income, and entrepreneurial income of households, and the income transfers received and paid by households. Disposable income, which is the key concept in these statistics, is formed from these income components. Data are also produced on the debts, housing, housing expenses, daycare charges and other matters that have a bearing on the subsistence of households.
The target population is private households. Institutional households are excluded.
The basic data are confidential. A service data file without identifiers is produced from the information system and use of the file is subject to special permission.
Classifications used
Socio-economic group, stage of life cycle of household, size and structure of household, age, decile group, income bracket, industry, institutional sector, gender, marital status, occupation, level of education, housing data, regional classifications (all regional divisions based on municipalities).
Data collection methods and data sources
Income distribution statistics represent a sample survey whose final sample size is approximately 10,000 households. The data on households and their members are collected with interviews and from administrative registers. In the interviews, the size and structure of households are established and background data are collected on the household members’ occupations, activity on the labour market, dwelling, untaxed income and other matters that have a bearing on the subsistence of households.
The vast majority of data on income and on classification variables (e.g. level of education, marital status) are obtained from registers.
Data collections
Updating frequency
One year.
Time of completion or release
Preliminary data approximately twelve months from the end of the statistical reference year. Final data eighteen months from the end of the statistical reference year.
Time series
The survey has been conducted since 1977, however, excluding 1981 and 1985.
capital income, cash income, current transfers, current transfers paid, current transfers received, disposable income, dividends, entrepreneurial income, equivalent income, factor income, gini coefficient, gross income, households, imputed income from owner-occupied dwellings, income, income differentials, income distribution, income from owner-occupied dwellings, income from property, interest rates, livelihood, living conditions, persistent risk of poverty, persons at risk of poverty, persons with high income, real income, realised capital gains, socio-economic group, subjective financial well-being, taxable income, taxation, wages and salaries
Contact information
Last updated 23.11.2011