Occupational accident statistics
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://stat.fi/til/ttap/index_en.html
Main topic: Labour Market
Related topics: Health
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The statistics on occupational accidents contain annual data on the occupational accidents that have occurred to wage and salary earners and own-account workers in agriculture. The statistics also contain data on occupational accidents that have occurred to other self-employed persons and the commuting accidents that have occurred to wage and salary earners. The data for the occupational accident statistics are created as a by-product from insurance activity, so that all the accidents at work for which insurance institutions have paid compensations are recorded in the statistics. The cut-off point is the last day of the year following the statistical reference year. The statistics examine primarily the occupational accidents that have resulted in a disability of at least four days. This delimitation corresponds to the one used in Eurostat statistics on accidents at work. Earlier Statistics Finland statistics on occupational accidents have applied the limit of disability of at least three days.
Data content
Occupational accidents and commuting accidents of wage and salary earners and occupational accidents of own-account workers in agriculture. The statistics also contain data on the occupational accidents of other self-employed persons. The basic data are confidential.
Classifications used
Classifications of occupational accidents of wage and salary earners, in addition to demographic data: occupation, economic activity, workstation, working process, work performance, deviation, mode of injury, material agent of the injury, type of injury, body part injured, length of disability and education. Classifications of farmers’ occupational accidents: work stage, working process, work performance, deviation, mode of injury, material agent of the injury, type of injury, body part injured, and length of disability.
Data collection methods and data sources
Statistics Finland received the data from accident insurance institutions (Federation of Accident Insurance Institutions TVL), the State Treasury and the Farmers' Social Insurance Institution.
Updating frequency
One year.
Time of completion or release
Key statistics are published online in May, just short of 18 months from the end of the statistical reference year. A broader statistical publication is published six months after the electronic publication.
Time series
Statistics on occupational accidents have been produced since 1898. In principle, the data collection method has remained unchanged since 1976. The distinction between the occupational accidents of wage and salary earners and self-employed persons has been possible since 1995. Since statistical reference year 2005, the statistics have used the criterion of disability of at least 4 days, which is also the criterion applied by Eurostat. As regards the occupational accidents of wage and salary earners, the time series have been revised backwards until 1996 to conform to the new delimitation.
accidents, industries, labour protection, occupational accidents, occupational health, occupations, violence, working conditions
Contact information
Last updated 29.03.2017