Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Prices and Costs
Related topics: Agriculture, Forestry and
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production measures the price developments in the cost factors of agriculture. The index shows by how much the purchase prices of the means of agricultural production have changed when compared with the index base period. As a rule, the weights of the index are calculated from the agricultural accounts of national accounts. The base year is changed at five-year intervals, when the weight structure is also reviewed. The index in use at the moment is 2015=100. A more detailed description of the content of the index is given in Eurostat’s publication Handbook for EU agricultural price statistics.
Data content
Price indices on commodities, services and investments in agriculture.
Classifications used
The structure of the index is based on Eurostat’s proposal. The six-digit index classification follows, for the most part, the classification of agricultural accounts (which follows statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community, i.e. NACE). The main groups are means and services of agricultural production, and agricultural investment goods and services.
Data collection methods and data sources
Own data collection from organisations, enterprises and trade outlets, and other statistics.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
The index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production is published quarterly within 45 days after the end of the statistical reference quarter on the 15th day of the month. If the 15th day of the month falls on a weekend or public holiday, the index is published on the nearest working day after it. A forecast of the annual average is published from this index in mid-November. Additional monthly publications are produced as needed.
Time series
The index currently in use is 2015=100.
agriculture, index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production, indices, inputs, price indices, prices
Contact information
Additional information
Information is also available in Eurostat’s publications and databases.
Last updated 14.05.2018