University education
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Education
Related topics:
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The statistics on university education contain data on new students, students and attained degrees in university education leading to a degree.
The data on students concerning 2002 describe the situation on 20 September, whereas those concerning earlier years relate to the situation on 31 December, so the data for 2002 are not fully comparable with those for earlier years. The data on degrees relate to the whole calendar year. In accordance with the Statistics Act, the personal data from which these statistics are compiled are confidential. As a rule, the statistics produced from them are public.
Data content
Classifications used
The data in the statistics are classified by Statistics Finland's the Educational Administration's and international classifications of fields and levels of education, classifications describing types of educational institutions, and diverse regional and demographic classifications.
Data collection methods and data sources
Individual-based data have been collected from 1966 until the statistical reference year 2013 direct from educational institutions and starting from the statistical reference year 2014 from the national database of universities.
Data collections
Updating frequency
The statistics are produced annually.
Time of completion or release
The data on students and degrees are completed at a lag of around six months from the reference period.
Time series
Annual data on numbers of students and degrees by university have been produced since the beginning of the 1950s. Detailed data based on individual-based data files on students and degrees are available starting from the beginning of the 1980s.
degrees, education, higher education institutions, qualifications, students, universities, university degrees
Contact information
Last updated 23.03.2021