Private sector hourly wages
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Wages, Salaries and Labour Costs
Related topics: Labour Market
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The statistics on private sector hourly wages describe the numbers and earnings levels of hourly paid employees by gender, age, occupational group and education. The principal earnings concepts are earnings for regular hours worked and earnings for total hours worked.
The data on hourly wages are collected jointly with employer organisations so that they collect data from their own member enterprises while Statistics Finland collects data from non-organised enterprises. Most of the data are collected from the last quarter of the year, in services from the whole of October and in manufacturing from the full quarter.
Statistics on hourly wages in agriculture are based on the data collected by Maaseudun työnantajaliitto (Federation of Employers in Agriculture) from its members.
The statistics on forest workers’ wages and salaries describe the numbers of workers, numbers of hours worked and earnings for hours worked and changes in them by field of work, type of employment relationship and gender. The statistics on forest workers’ wages and salaries are compiled from the data derived from Metsähallitus (the Finnish Forest and Park Service), the Finnish Forest Industries Federation and Yksityismetsätalouden Työnantajat ry (Association of Private Forestry Employers) and forestry centres.
Data content
The data on wage and salary earners describe gender, age and education. The data on employers and workplaces describe location and industry. The data on employment relationships describe year of start of employment relationship, type of employment relationship, occupation/statistical category and weekly working hours.
In the statistics on forest workers’ wages and salaries the data related to employers describe enterprises and employer groups. The data relating to wage and salary earners and employment relationships describe statistical reference period, municipality of taxation, type of employment relationship, work category and competence requirement group. The earnings concept used in the statistics on hourly wages are earnings for regular working hours and total earnings. The data on earnings are presented calculated per an hour worked. Hours actually worked refer to the working hours an employee has spent on his/her actual duties. Hours actually worked include time and piece rate work and contract work hours as well as Sunday and overtime hours.
In addition to wages paid for time, piece rate and contract work done during regular working hours, earnings for regular hours worked include additional compensations related to working hours, such as supplements for shift work or adverse working conditions, as well as other separate supplements such as compensation for shortened working hours and taxable value of benefits in kind. Compensation for shortened working hours is included for the fields where it is paid as a separate pay component in connection with each wage payment. In these statistics, earnings for regular working hours include the basic rate but not the raised rate portions of Sunday and overtime pay. In addition to the above, total earnings also include the raised portions of Sunday and overtime pay.
The earnings concept used in the statistics on hourly wages in agriculture is total earnings including pay for time, piece rate and contract work and the raised portions of Sunday and overtime pay and working time-related and other separate supplements.
The earnings concept in the statistics on forest workers’ wages and salaries is earnings for hours worked without overtime. The earnings concept includes pay for time, piece rate and contract work, balancing of earnings and supplements for shift work and adverse working conditions.
As a rule, the data are public but data concerning an individual employer or wage and salary earner are confidential.
Classifications used
The data are mostly classified by occupation, education, industry, gender, age group, employer group and work category.
Data collection methods and data sources
The data for the statistics on private sector wages and salaries are gathered from several sources. A large proportion of them derives from the data collected by organised employers (Confederation of Finnish Industries EK, Church Employers’ Delegation for Collective Agreements KISV) from their member enterprises. Statistics Finland supplements these with data it collects with a sample survey from non-organised employers. Statistics on hourly wages in agriculture are based on the data collected by Maaseudun työnantajaliitto (Federation of employers in agriculture) from its members. The statistics on forest workers’ pay are compiled from the data derived from Metsähallitus (the Finnish Forest and Park Service), the Finnish Forest Industries Federation and Yksityismetsätalouden Työnantajat ry (Association of Private Forestry Employers) and forestry centres.
The survey on private sector wages and salaries concerns all hourly paid wage and salary earners with a valid employment relationship with the enterprise at the time of the survey irrespective of their number of working hours.
Managing directors, trainees, students and persons whose remuneration deviates from the normal are not included in the statistics.
The statistics on wages in agriculture include all workers aged over 15 from the member enterprises of the Federation of Employers in Agriculture. The statistics also include part-time and seasonal workers. In contrast, the statistics exclude family members, white-collar employees and trainees.
The statistics on forest workers’ wages and salaries cover all 18 to 54-year-old forestry workers of the state and those of organised employers in the field. The statistics exclude operators of forestry equipment working under employment contract (around 2,000 workers) in the service of forestry entrepreneurs belonging to the Trade Association of Finnish Forestry and Earth Moving Contractors, on whom Statistics Finland does not collect data.
Data collections
Updating frequency
The statistics on private sector hourly wages are compiled annually. The statistics on wages in agriculture and on forest workers’ pay are compiled twice a year.
Time of completion or release
The statistics on private sector hourly wages are compiled annually. The statistics on wages in agriculture and on forest workers’ pay are compiled twice a year, but they are published once a year on the homepage of the statistics on private sector hourly wages. The statistics on private sector hourly wages are published yearly in July/August as statistical releases on Statistics Finland’s homepages.
Time series
Statistics Finland has published the data in the Social Review of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (up to 1966), and in its Wages publication series (1967-2005) and Wages and Labour Costs series (starting from 2006).
The sample of the statistics on hourly pay is reviewed at regular intervals. The data of the statistics for 2009 are not comparable with earlier years. A sample review was made to the statistics for this year. The figures collected by Statistics Finland were produced with the reviewed sample.
In the fourth quarter of 2005 the earnings concept for regular working time changed in the statistics on wages in agriculture, so the data are not comparable with previous years.
A methodological change was made in the fourth quarter of 2006 to the statistics on forest workers’ wages, so the data are not comparable with previous years.
business enterprises, employees, forestry workers, income level, occupations, private sector, wages and salaries
Contact information
Last updated 22.08.2018