Pan-African Statistics Programme II (PAS II) SOCSTAF and ECOBUSAF projects 2022-2025

Taking place within the framework of the European Statistical System (ESS) and funded through EU grants, the Pan-African Statistics Programme II (PAS II) aims to support the capacity-development of selected national statistical offices of the African Statistical System (ASS). The programme involves two projects: Developing social statistics in African national statistical offices (SOCSTAF-project) and Developing economic and business statistics in African national statistical offices (ECOBUSAF-project). PAS II is funded by the European Union.

SOCSTAF is implemented by a consortium of five EU National Statistical Institutions: Statistics Denmark (lead), Statistics Finland, Insee France, INE Spain, and Statistics Poland. ECOBUSAF is implemented by a consortium of five National Statistical Institutions: Insee France (lead), Statistics Denmark, Statistics Finland, Statistics Norway, and INE Spain. Both ECOBUSAF and SOCSTAF projects started in February 2022 with an inception phase, and they will both be running until October 2025.

In ECOBUSAF project, Statistics Finland participates in the development of business registers in Mauritius, Namibia and Senegal. In SOCSTAF project, Statistics Finland contributes to developing the capacity of the Nigerian statistical system in the areas of dissemination and communication, as well as the use of administrative data and new data sources.

PASII-ECOBUSAF and SOCSTAF newsletter is disseminated in digital format on the INSEE website.