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Appendix table 1. Number of establishments, number of personnel, gross value and added value of output by industry for 2017 and 2016

Number of establishments 2017 2016 Muutos, lkm  
Agriculture, forestry and fishery (TOL A) 77 985 73 589 4 396  
Manufacturing (TOL B, C, D, E) 27 339 27 164 175  
Construction (TOL F) 42 760 42 354 406  
Trade (TOL G) 54 207 54 397 -190  
Other services (TOL H-S) 195 591 190 979 4 612  
All total 397 882 388 483 9 399  
Number of persons employed converted into full-time employees 2017 2016 Muutos, henkilötyövuotta  
Agriculture, forestry and fishery (TOL A) 48 431 51 916 -3 484  
Manufacturing (TOL B, C, D, E) 319 513 314 902 4 611  
Construction (TOL F) 163 071 156 079 6 991  
Trade (TOL G) 231 357 234 541 -3 184  
Other services (TOL H-S) 686 776 668 604 18 172  
All total 1 449 147 1 426 041 23 106  
Gross value of output, EUR mil. 2017 2016 Change, EUR mil. Change %
Agriculture, forestry and fishery (TOL A) 2 472 2 112 360 17
Manufacturing (TOL B, C, D, E) 128 568 117 867 10 701 9
Construction (TOL F) 37 748 33 675 4 073 12
Trade (TOL G) 34 191 34 152 39 0
Other services (TOL H-S excl. real estate activities) 93 723 87 596 6 127 7
All total (excl. real estate activities) 296 701 275 402 21 299 8
Gross value of output, EUR mil. 2017 2016 Change, EUR mil. Change %
Agriculture, forestry and fishery (TOL A) 918 807 111 14
Manufacturing (TOL B, C, D, E) 35 854 32 908 2 946 9
Construction (TOL F) 11 392 10 526 866 8
Trade (TOL G) 15 612 15 271 341 2
Other services (TOL H-S) 46 709 43 639 3 070 7
All total 110 485 103 152 7 333 7

Source: Regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity 2017, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Merja Kiljunen 029 551 3284,

Director in charge: Mari Ylä-Jarkko

Updated 24.01.2019

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-6268. 2017, Appendix table 1. Number of establishments, number of personnel, gross value and added value of output by industry for 2017 and 2016 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 21.9.2024].
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