Changes in the Astika database


Database tables published on road traffic accident statistics will change

Statistics: Statistics on road traffic accidents
Date of change: 21 May 2024

The number of road traffic accidents and the number of people killed and injured in them by accident type and speed limit will in future be published in database table 111e with monthly data and in database table 12sc with annual data.

The number of people killed and injured in road traffic accidents by age group and road user group will in future be published in database table 112w with monthly data and in database table 112x with annual data. The number of people killed and injured in road traffic accidents by accident type and road user group will in future be published in database table 12sd with monthly data and in database table 12z2 with annual data. Long time series of road traffic accidents will in future be published in database table 11bh.

New table on hours worked by employed persons and employees and changes to the publication limits of tables

Statistics: Labour force survey
Date of change: 26 March 2024

New table 030 on Labour Force Survey data will start to be published monthly. Employed persons and employees and hours actually worked by employed persons and employees by sex.

In addition, starting from data for 2024, estimates of under 7,000 persons in the monthly data of the Labour Force Survey and estimates of under 3,000 persons in the quarterly and annual data are automatically suppressed.

The change was made due to growing non-response. The number of respondents behind the estimates to be suppressed is low, which means they are not reliable. The change follows the present publication limits of the Labour Force Survey StatFin tables.

Further information:

Updating of Labour Force Survey Table 035 ends

Statistics: Labour force survey
Date of change: 20 February 2024

Table 035. Employed persons and employees and hours actually worked by sex and industry (TOL 2008) is no longer updated. Statistics Finland recommends that quarterly data are used in industry-specific labour market examinations. Industry-specific quarterly data can be found in Table 105. Employed persons and employees total and hours actually worked by sex and industry (TOL 2008).

Further information:

The Database tables describing prices of new dwellings in housing companies have been removed due to errors detected in the tables

On the morning of January 26, 2024, information on the prices of new dwellings in housing companies was added to the database tables of the Prices of dwellings in housing companies statistics to the Astika and Tilastokatsaus services. This information was out of date and should not be used. The added information was deleted on January 26, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. Information on the prices of new dwellings in housing companies will be updated later. The information on prices of old dwellings in housing companies is up to date. See more information on the statistics page. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by incorrect information.

Industry data of the labour force survey for the third quarter of 2023 and corrected industry data for the first and second quarters have been published

Statistics: Labour force survey
Date of change: 7 November 2023

As a result of the reform of healthcare, social welfare and rescue services, uncertainty was detected in the industry data concerning wellbeing services counties during 2023. This affected the industry data produced by the Labour Force Survey.

The industry data for September and the third quarter of 2023 have been published and the previously published industry data for 2023 have been corrected in the following tables: 035, 085, 095, 105, 115, 135, 150, 162, 185, 215.

Further information:

Labour Force Survey data by industry will not be published in connection with the release of data for the third quarter of 2023


As a result of the reform of healthcare, social welfare and rescue services, uncertainty has been detected in the industry data concerning wellbeing services counties during 2023. This impacts the industry data produced by the Labour Force Survey. Therefore, we will not publish data by industry in connection with the release for the third quarter of 2023. We will publish the industry data for the third quarter and the corrected industry data for the first and second quarters of 2023 as soon as possible once the quality of the data is ensured.


The following tables containing industry data will be published later:

035. Employed persons and employees and hours actually worked by sex and industry (TOL 2008)
085. Employed persons by status in employment, sex and industry (TOL 2008)
095. Employed persons by status in employment and industry (TOL 2008)
105. Employed persons and employees total and hours actually worked by sex and industry (TOL 2008)
115. Employed persons by sex, industry (TOL 2008) and employer sector
135. Employed persons total and employees by sex, industry (TOL 2008) and usual weekly working hours
150. Employed persons and employees by industry (TOL 2008) and region (2011)
162. Employed persons and employees by industry (TOL 2008) and ELY Centre
185. Employed persons working full-time and part-time by status in employment, sex and industry (TOL 2008)
215. Temporary (fixed-term) employees by sex and industry (TOL 2008)


Corrections to the unemployment data of the Labour Force Survey for the early part of the year 2021 (21 July 2021)

Statistics: Labour Force Survey
Date of change: 27 July 2021
Change: The revision of the Labour Force Survey that entered into force at the beginning of 2021 changed the data contents of the statistics, calculation method of results and data collection considerably. A small difference in the definition of the unemployed has been detected between the data that are delivered to Eurostat and the national data, as was discovered in connection with the data revision. Corrections have been made to the data concerning the labour force, the unemployed and the inactive population at the beginning of 2021 in tables 010, 015, 040, 045 and 055.

Further information:

31 May 2021 Quarterly tables according to the renewed Labour Force Survey have been published

Quarterly Labour Force Survey tables for 2021 and time series for 2009 to 2020 corrected according to the new estimation method were published on 31 May 2021. The renewed time series are not comparable with data from earlier years.

We will notify later about publishing of annual tables.

Further information:

The trend and seasonally adjusted series in the Labor Force Survey database table 040 have been updated on 26 May 2021

The figures prior to April 2021 in the previous publication on 25 May 2021 had not been updated but were in line with seasonal adjustments in March.

Retrospectively corrected time series have been published in the Labor Force Survey database table 035 on 25 May 2021

Retrospectively corrected time series according to the new estimation method have been published in the Labor Force Survey database table 035. The corrected time series are not comparable with data from earlier years. The table containing old time series have been transferred to the archive.

Further information:

Changes to Labour Force Survey database tables on 4 May 2021

The Labour Force Survey was renewed at the beginning of 2021 and the data for 2011 to 2020 have been corrected retrospectively in accordance with the new estimation method. Updated tables 010, 015 and 040 contain corrected monthly time series for 2011 to 2020 and corrected quarterly and annual time series for 2019 to 2021. The corrected time series are not comparable with data from earlier years. The tables containing old time series have been transferred to the archive. For the time being, the time series of Table 035 have not been updated.

The retrospectively corrected time series of the quarterly and annual Labour Force Survey tables will be supplemented and published during 2021.

Further information:

12 January 2021 Publication of Labour Force Survey database tables in the early part of 2021

The data content, data collection and estimation method of the Labour Force Survey will be revised at the beginning of 2021, which will also cause changes to the publication of database tables.

Only the key indicators concerning the labour market are published from the data for January and February 2021 solely on the statistics pages of the Labour Force Survey, and trend figures are not published. The data concerning January and February are preliminary and they may later be revised due to the review of the estimation method. For this reason, data concerning January and February 2021 are not entered into Statistics Finland's free StatFin database or the chargeable Astika database. The data of the Labour Force Survey for the early part of 2021 are used for the estimation analysis and retrospective correction of the time series.

The database tables of the Labour Force Survey for January and February 2021 will be published in connection with the completion of the data for March during May after the release date, 4 May. The publication schedule of the database tables for the first quarter of 2021 will be specified during the early part of the year.

How and why is the Labour Force Survey renewed?

24 April 2019 As of 7 May 2019 statistical releases will be published at 8 am

Statistics Finland will advance the publication of its statistical releases so that in future, releases are published at 8 am. The present time of release is 9 am. The change will concern all statistical releases starting from 7 May.

21 January 2019 Volume Index of Industrial Output is in future available on the 2-digit level of the Standard Industrial Classification

From 8 March 2019, the database tables of the Volume Index of Industrial Output are available only on the 2-digit level of the Standard Industrial Classification, i.e. beginning from March there are close on 40 categories whereas their number has been good 70 up until then.

The reason for the change is more extensive introduction of deflated turnover data. Turnover data will not be published on as detailed level as the current Volume Index of Industrial Output, and furthermore, the coverage on the 3-digit level of the Standard Industrial Classification is poor for several industries.

29 Mar 2018 In national accounts, taxes on products and property income and expenditure were corrected

The correction concerned general government. Taxes on products received diminished by EUR 243 million, dividends received by EUR 93 million and interest paid by EUR 23 million. The combined impact on net lending of general government was EUR -313 million. The correction decreases the change of GDP by 0.1 percentage points and government deficit relative to GDP grows by 0.2 percentage points.

8 Sep 2017 Login problem in the new PX-Web version

There have been login problems in the new PX-Web version. We apologise for the situation and will amend it as soon as possible. The data in the database can still be accessed through the old version at:

1 Sep 2017  Astika is updated to a new PX-Web version

Statistics Finland’s Astika time series database is available at a new address:

And naturally also through Statistics Finland’s database page:

The direct links to the tables in the old server don´t work any more and they need to be changed to a new server. The changes that take place in the service require no other actions from the users. The basic use of the service remains almost unchanged even though the user interface changes slightly.

The change is based on a version updated in the PX-Web server application. With the new version the user can, for example, save selected data in newer file formats than before (e.g. Excel xlsx and json-stat). Development work continues and in future users will, for example, be able to save and reuse their searches. We will provide more information about this and other new functionalities later this year.

All feedback and development ideas are much appreciated.

More information concerning technical changes is available from Hans Baumgartner ( and on issues concerning content from Sari Vahala (

30.8.2017 Index of Wage and Salary Earnings statistical databases are updated after the 30 August 2017 publication

The Index of Wage and Salary Earnings has been published  on 30 August 2017. Due to the technical issues, related database tables are updated with a delay, as soon as possible.

30.5.2017 Index of Wage and Salary Earnings statistical databases are updated after the 30 May 2017 publication

The Index of Wage and Salary Earnings has been published with a revised base year of 2015=100 on 30 May 2017. Due to the revision, related database tables are updated with a delay, as soon as possible.

16.5.2017 Astika is updated to a new PX-Web version

Statistics Finland’s Astika time series database is available at a new address from 16 May onwards. The change is based on a version updated in the PX-Web server application. With the new version the user can, for example, save selected data in newer file formats than before (e.g. Excel xlsx and json-stat).

The changes that take place in the service require no actions from the users.

The basic use of the service remains almost unchanged even though the user interface changes slightly. The old version of Astika will be available in summer if necessary (will be closed on 30 June 2017) at the address provided below. Both the new and old versions are updated and both have the same data content.

The new version of Astika:

The old version of Astika:

And naturally also through Statistics Finland’s database page:

10.3.2017 Information about data revisions to the Volume Index of Industrial Output


Revisions in 2017

Establishment-specific and industry weights have been changed to correspond to the situation in 2015.

Seasonal adjustment models have been updated

The seasonal adjustment models of the time series are also updated. Due to the updating of the models, the seasonally adjusted series and the trend series may change. As a rule, changes caused by the updating of the models are minor.

10.2.2017 Information about data revisions to the Volume Index of Industrial Output

Final index for 2015

The data on the Volume Index of Industrial Output for the year 2015 are final. The final annual volume index is based on the regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity. In order to calculate the final annual changes, the changes in gross value at the 3-digit level of the industrial classification have been divided by changes in the producer price index of the industries concerned. The preliminary annual change of the monthly index has been revised with the obtained coefficient. Calculation of the final annual volume index influences the index point figures and change percentages for 2015.


Below is a table showing annual changes of the preliminary monthly index and the final annual index by industry.


Table 1. Volume Index of Industrial Output 2015, preliminary and final annual changes

TOL 2008


Annual index 2015, %



Total industries (BCDE)



Mining and quarrying (B)



Manufacturing (C)



Food industry (10-11)



Forest industry (16-17)



Chemical industry (19-22)



Metal industry (24-30, 33)



Electrical and electronics industry (26-27)



19.1.2015 Cost index of road transport of goods and Cost index of bus and motor-coach traffic

The production of the following statistics as general social statistics is discontinued.

Cost index of road transport of goods

Cost index of bus and motor-coach traffic

Please find more information about Changes to the production of statistics and products: /ajk/tiedotteet/2014/uutinen_040_2014-12-18_en.html.

3.11.2014 Building and dwelling production: Permanent building identifier adopted in December, no statistical release in November

By the end of 2014, the Population Register Centre will introduce a permanent building identifier in the entire Population Information System. The introduction of the building identifier will change the content of the statistics on building and dwelling production and the timetables of releases.

Data based on the permanent building identifier will be available to Statistics Finland only in November, for which reason data concerning the third quarter of the current year scheduled for 26 November 2014 cannot be released until 19 December 2014. Please find more information about the changes: /til/ras/ras_2014-10-09_uut_001_en.html

15.4.2013 Base year of the indices of turnover in industry changes

Starting from data concerning January 2013, the base year 2010=100 will be introduced in the turnover of industry. Data will be released for the first time with the new base year on 15 April 2013.

The indices are re-calculated from the beginning of 2010 in connection with the change of the base year. In this context, the data may have become revised and there the latest changes in the classification data are taken into consideration. The effects are of qualitative nature and are visible as revisions to data in some of the published industries. However, the changes are not significant and have no effect on the interpretation of the time series or the image of economic trends. In the following, database tables published with the old base year (2005=100) will no longer be updated.

15.4.2013 Base year of the statistics on turnover in service industries changes

Starting from data concerning January 2013, the base year 2010=100 will be introduced in the statistics on turnover in service industries. Data will be released for the first time with the new base year on 15 April 2013.

The indices are re-calculated from the beginning of 2010 in connection with the change of the base year. In this context, the data may have become revised and the latest changes in the classification data are taken into consideration. The effects are of qualitative nature and are visible as revisions to data in some of the published industries. However, the changes are not significant and have no effect on the interpretation of the time series or the image of economic trends. In future, database tables published with the old base year (2005=100) will no longer be updated.

At the same time, a change percentage calculated from the original indices will be adopted in the releases instead of working day adjusted indices. Working day adjusted index series will, however, still be published in the database table.

12.4.2013 Base year of the indices of turnover of construction changes

Starting from data concerning January 2013, the base year 2010=100 will be introduced in the turnover of construction. Data will be released for the first time with the new base year on 12 April 2013.

The indices are re-calculated from the beginning of 2010 in connection with the change of the base year. In this context, the data may have become revised and there the latest changes in the classification data are taken into consideration. The effects are of qualitative nature and are visible as revisions to data in some of the published industries. However, the changes are not significant and have no effect on the interpretation of the time series or the image of economic trends. In the following, database tables published with the old base year (2005=100) will no longer be updated.

At the same time, the weight structure of the volume index was updated to correspond to the year 2010 and the indices were re-calculated from the data for 2010 onwards.

10.4.2013 The statistics on new orders in manufacturing will utilise the base year 2010=100

The statistics on new orders in manufacturing will utilise the base year 2010=100 starting from the data concerning February 2013. The data will be released for the first time with the new base year on 10 April 2013.

26.3.2013 Changes to Employment Service Statistics

From January 2013, nationaland regional Employment Bulletins will be produced for each local authority rather than for each office, as used to be the case. In the data for the local authorities, information for the region in question will be jointly assembled for all municipalities included within the region. Data for a local authority, will be based, for example, on the jobseeker's municipality of residence and the municipality in which the workplace islocated as notified by the employer. The previously used data, which was office-based, relied on data supplied by the person's and employer's customer service agency. The change in the criterion for regional statistics will have some impact on the breakdown of regional figures. Please find more information about the changes:

8.3.2013 Volume Index of Industrial Output 2010=100

The base year 2010 is utilised for the calculation of the Volume Index of Industrial Output starting from the statistics for January 2013.

4.2.2013 Data of the Annual National Accounts has been corrected

In the table "Gross domestic product and -national income at current prices 1975-2011" Transactions D11R, D12R and P3K have been corrected.

22.10.2012 Index of Wage and Salary Earnings

Index of wage and Salary Earnings statistical databases are updated.

15.10.2012 Index of Wage and Salary Earnings

The new base year for the Index of Wage and Salary Earnings is 2010. Due to revision statistical databases are not ready when third quarter 2012 will be published. Index of wage and Salary Earnings statistical databases will be updated later on week 42.

8.10.2012 Changes in the compilation methods of the Trend Indicator of Output

A new information system was introduced in the compilation of the Trend Indicator of Output, which enables utilisation of improved calculation methods from before. Data based on the new compilation methods will be released on 9 October 2012.

The Trend Indicator of Output is compiled with the so-called indirect calculation method. Data are formed from source data indicators and the levels of national accounts by means of mathematical and statistical calculation methods. The indirect calculation method is used, because sufficiently comprehensive source data by quarter are not available on the whole national economy. In the new information system the calculation methods of the Trend Indicator of Output are fully congruent with quarterly national accounts.

The changes cause small revisions to the time series of the Trend Indicator of Output.

Inquiries: Samu Hakala +358 9 1734 3756

1.10.2012 Data of the General government deficit and debt have been corrected

In the table General government deficit and debt 1975-2011* deficit data has been revised for Social security funds and Total (General government) for years 1995-2007. For those sectors data has been revised both in in Million EUR and in Percentage of GDP

25.9.2012 Data of the Annual National Accounts have been corrected

  • In table 1.1 Gross domestic product and -national income at current prices has been revised in the year 2008 balance of primary incomes from the rest of the world, gross and net national income, net and gross disposable income and saving.
  • In table 1.3 Key indicators per capita has been revised in the year 2008 gross and net national income and disposable income.
  • In table 1.5 Main aggregates at reference year 2000 prices, volume indices and change in volume indices has been revised in the year 2008 balance of primary incomes from the rest of the world, gross and net national income and net and gross disposable income.

20.3.2012 Data of the Annual National Accounts have been corrected

Data of the National Accounts tables "Sector accounts" and "Sector accounts (main transactions)" have been corrected.

24.2.2012 Producer price indices have been revised

Producer price indices have been revised and their base years changed to 2010. In connection with the revision, the weight structures of the statistics have been brought in line with the values of production, imports and exports for the year 2010. In addition, the commodity and enterprise samples have been updated.

All publishable point figures calculated with the new base year are available in Statistics Finland's databases. Calculation and publishing of data with base years 1949=100 and 2005=100 will continue.

Basic price index for domestic supply, including taxes has replaced the Wholesale price index

Basic price index for domestic supply, including taxes has replaced the Wholesale price index in base year 2010=100 statistics. The Basic price index for domestic supply, including taxes corresponds with the previous Wholesale price index except that it now also extends to construction, activity category F. The desire in this revision to base year 2010=100 was to change the name "Wholesale price index" to a more descriptive name for these statistics. The scope of description of the statistics is the same as in the Basic price index for domestic supply, but inclusive of commodity and value added taxes. The point figures of the Wholesale price indices calculated with the old base years will in future be chained by utilising the Basic price index for domestic supply, including taxes.

Produce price indices will be released on the 24th of the month

The date on which Producer price indices are released was changed in connection with this periodic revision. From now on, the statistics will be released on the 24th day of the month or on the first weekday following it. The data for November will be released on the last weekday preceding 24 December.

31.1.2012 Statistics on capital stock to be combined with National Accounts

The statistics on capital stock will be combined as part of National Account on 31 January 2012. The data from the statistics on capital stock can in future be found from the statistics of National Accounts.

Sector accounts in preliminary annual national accounts

Statistics Finland will release preliminary annual national accounts data for 2011 on 2 March 2012. In this release sector accounts data for 2011 are based on quarterly national accounts apart from general government. In future, the first preliminary data on sector accounts will be mainly based on quarterly statistics. Publishing of sector accounts by quarter will start in autumn 2012.

The sector accounts for the preliminary annual data will be published in Statistics Finland's databases with a slightly less detailed classification of transactions than before, because the classification of transactions in the quarterly sector accounts is less detailed than in the annual sector accounts. The sector accounts for 2011 with full content will be published for the first time on 12 July 2012.

The breakdown by sector is the same in the data published on 2 March 2012 except for sector S12 Financial and insurance corporations, whose subdivision will be published on 12 July 2012.

The following list includes the most important transactions on which data for 2011 will not be released in the database on 2 March 2012 but only on 12 July 2012.


  • B4 The division of households' entrepreneurial income into different income sources (agriculture, forestry, imputed income from owner-occupied dwellings, other entrepreneurial income). However, operating surplus and mixed income are published.
  • D611 The division of actual social contributions to social contributions paid by employers, wage and salary earners and others and the division into compulsory and voluntary social contributions.
  • D62 The division of social benefits other than social transfers in kind into sub-groups (those paid from social security systems, other funded, unfunded and social allowances)
  • D75 The division of other miscellaneous current transfers by counter sector.
  • P52 Changes in inventories also include net acquisitions less disposals of valuables (P53).
  • K10 Other volume changes in financial assets and liabilities.
  • Table 4.8 Taxes and social contributions in the printed publication is not either published.

25.8.2011 In data bases of annual national accounts and capital stock following tables have been corrected:

Tables: Key indicators of household sector 1975-2010 and Additional information 1975-2010, indebtedness rate for 2008 and 2009 has been corrected.

Table: Gross fixed capital formation 1975-2010, figures of transaction P511 gross formation of tangible fixed assets has been corrected.

Table: Sector accounts 1975-2010, transaction D751 GNP contribution has been added to sectors S1311 and S2122.

8.8.2011 Data of the Quarterly National Accounts have been corrected

Data of the Quarterly National Accounts table 'Employment quarterly 1990Q1-' have been corrected and added to the database.

2.8.2011 The Quarterly National Accounts

The Quarterly National Accounts table 'Employment quarterly 1990Q1-' updated on 14 July 2011 has been removed due to errors detected in the table. The original employment and labour input series were correct in the table, but there were errors in seasonally, trend and working day adjusted series. A corrected table will be added in week 32.

28.6.2011 Data of the Volume Index of Industrial Output for January to April 2011 have been corrected

An error has been detected in the calculation of the Volume Index of Industrial Output, which has an effect on the previously published volume index figures for January to April 2011. The erroneous figures for the early part of the year have now been corrected to the statistical releases and databases and to the data files delivered to customers.

The error has no effect on the image of economic trends given by other statistics, such as the Quarterly National Accounts or the Trend Indicator of Output.

The error is caused by that the revision in the weight structure at the turn of the year has not become updated to the calculation system. For that reason, enterprises' weights by size category inside three-digit industries have remained erroneous in the calculation of the index.

The table below contains the corrected and previously published erroneous data of the most important industries.

Corrected data of the most important industries for January to April 2011

2011: change percentage from one year ago (original series)  
Industry January February March April
Total industries (BCDE) corrected 3.4 4.2 5.5 4.4
Total industries (BCDE) old 3.8 4.6 5.8 2.4
Manufacturing (C) corrected 4.3 5.1 5.9 6.2
Manufacturing (C) old 4.7 5.5 6.3 3.8
Forest industry (16-17) corrected 2.6 -7.3 12.4 -2.6
Forest industry (16-17) old 2.3 -6.9 17.1 -2.6
Chemical industry (19-22) corrected -1.8 3.5 3.9 22.9
Chemical industry (19-22) old 5.1 8.2 5.7 11.0
Metal industry (24-30) corrected 7.6 11.3 7.8 3.5
Metal industry (24-30) old 5.7 11.3 6.5 2.5

Inquiries: Kari Rautio +358 9 1734 2479, Jukka Appelqvist +358 9 1734 3391 

21.6.2011 Revised standard industrial classification to be adopted in National Accounts

The revised standard industrial classification, TOL 2008, will be adopted in National Accounts. The information system of the accounts and the data contents of the statistics will be revised at the same time. Statistics Finland will release revised national accounts time series on 14 July 2011.

The timetable for the introduction of the TOL 2008 classification has been decreed in EU regulations. Other statistics of Statistics Finland have already adopted the revised classification earlier. General information about the TOL 2008 classification can be found in the classifications section of Statistics Finland's website.

Due to the renewal of the information system of national accounts, revisions will be made to the calculation systems and time series of the accounts. Errors detected in the time series will also corrected in the same context. The effects of the revisions on the euro-denominated time series will be minor. The data describing gross domestic product and the financial position of sectors will not essentially change.

After the adoption of the revised industrial classification, annual national accounts data will be published in databases at the accuracy 90 industries and quarterly accounts data at the accuracy of 11 industries. Data on value added will be published in quarterly accounts at the accuracy of 20 industries. The number of database tables will decrease due to the merging of tables on individual economic transactions. The data contents of the tables will also become revised in other respects.


Annual National Accounts: Olli Savela, +358 9 1734 3316

Quarterly Accounts: Pasi Koikkalainen +358 9 1734 3332

17.6.2011 Volume Index of Industrial Output

Errors have been detected in the releases of the Volume Index of Industrial Output for the year 2011. We will notify as soon as possible when the corrected data are available.

18.2.2011 Consumer Price Index revised

Statistics Finland has made revisions to the Consumer Price Index. The base period of the Consumer Price Index is updated every five years because changes take place in household consumption. The base year of the revised Index is 2010. At the same time the weight structure of the Index and the commodity basket of the price monitoring have been updated to correspond with consumption in the new base year. Please find more information: /ajk/tiedotteet/2011/tiedote_001_2011-02-18_en.html

30.06.2010 Old Astika closes

Astika is gradually being transferred to PX-Web environment. The transfer concerning all the topics of Astika is completed by the end of June 2010.

The present application of Astika will be in function until the end June 2010, but the updating of each statistics will end when released in PX-Astika.

The customers of Astika have now access to two versions of PX-Astika:

Astika consisting of multidimensional tables is on

PX-Astika for Astika customers


The flatted counterpart including time series codes is on

PX-Astika-Flat for Astika customers

23.02.2010 Labour force survey

The updating of The table 020. Population aged 15-74 by economic activity status, sex, age and province has ended. The time series of the replacing table 015. Population aged 15-74 by economic activity status, sex, age and Regional State Administrative Agencies start at the beginning of 2009.

18.1.2010 Producer price index for services IV/2009

The data on rents of office and business premises (6820) have been supplemented since the 4th quarter of 2008, and this influences the overall point figure of the producer price index for services starting from the 4th quarter of 2008. The revision also influences the point figures for the activities of Rents of office premises (6820A), Rents of office and business premises (6820) and Real estate activities (68 and L) starting from the same reference period.

10.12.2009 Volume index of industrial output

Statistics Finland has calculated final indices for the years 2007 and 2008. The preliminary monthly volume index is calculated using data obtained from a sample of approximately 1,000 establishments or enterprises. The final annual volume index is calculated from the regional and industrial statistics on manufacturing calculated from structural statistics on manufacturing. More detailed description of the statistics is available at Changes in gross value at the most detailed classification level have been divided by change in the producer price index of each industry concerned. The preliminary annual change of the monthly index has been revised with the obtained coefficient.

Last updated 21 May 2024