Charging basis and prices

Statistics Finland produces free and charged data products and services. All statistical data produced with funding from the state budget are available free of charge on the Internet. Charged services comprise products and services provided in response to special user needs for which a charge is made in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Finance Concerning the Charge Criteria of the Performances of Statistics Finland (1024/2024, in Finnish).
Statistics Finland's charged activity is steered by the Act and Decree on Criteria for Charges Payable to the State.

Charged products and services

  • Statistical publications and periodicals with the exception of data releases from individual statistics which are provided as self-service on the Internet
  • Printing and delivery costs of all publications
  • Surveys as well as statistical and other expert services, such as interview and data collection services, customer training, lecturing and consulting services, and IT services
  • Processing of survey and other data and other related services
  • Register data services, e.g. releases of data from Statistics Finland's Register of Enterprises and Establishments
  • Database services for individual customers
  • Usage of Statistics Finland's premises and equipment
  • Copies of death certificates for research and statistical purposes
  • Other products and services comparable with the above, such as photocopies and other hard copies.

The prices of other individual products and services can be found on the web page of each product or service.

Hourly and daily charges for work

For example, a special compilation assignment is priced at an hourly rate according to the number of hours worked. The prices are exclusive of value added tax (25.5%).

Hourly charge for work subject to charge: EUR 75 to 140 per hour depending on how demanding work is involved.

Hourly charge for interviewing:  EUR 35 per hour.

Daily charge for consulting work: The price exclusive of VAT for a full day of consulting is EUR 920. This also includes preparation work.

Travel and material expenses are invoiced separately.