
Inventory submissions

The annual reporting of the greenhouse gas inventory consists of a National Inventory Document (NID) and standardized reporting tables (CRF tables).

Latest submission (data from 1990 to 2022):

The National Inventory Report includes information on the development and sources of greenhouse gas emissions and removals, the methods, assumptions and data sources used in the calculations, recalculations, uncertainty assessment and quality assurance of the reporting country.

The actual emission data according to the Climate Convention are compiled into CRF tables by sector, source and gas as well as background data used in the calculation. Data on emissions and removals by sector and category from 1990 to the latest year can be found in the Excel file of the latest year in different sheets of the CRF Table 10, both in CO2 equivalents and in different GHG gases. Previous years CRF tables (including latest 16 December 2024 submission) are available in the UNFCCC submissions site.

SEF tables include information on holdings of the Kyoto units in the Finnish registry as well as information on transfers of the units to and from other Parties of the Kyoto Protocol.

Inventory report and calculation data are submitted to the EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) annually:
- 15 January submission to EU (preliminary data),
- 15 March submission to EU,
- 15 April submission to UNFCCC.

Statistical releases of greenhouse gases are published on the website of Statistics Finland.

National communication

A so-called national communication containing detailed data on i.a. national conditions, climate strategies as well as policy measures to cut emissions, is prepared at approximately four-year intervals.

Biennial Reports

Biennial Report generates concise table format data on the quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets and the progress in achieving the targets.


Last updated 18 Feb 2025