Px suite

The Px suite (former PcAxis suite) is a collection of programs developed for the distribution and processing of statistical tables. They offer diverse possibilities to distribute and edit even large statistical tables, and to change structures, combine tables, make calculations and convert into other file formats.


PxWeb is a free web-based table distribution system for statistics producers. All Nordic statistical institutes use the PxWeb system. More information about the distribution system can be found on the pages of Statistics Sweden (SCB).

All of Statistics Finland's statistical databases have been created with the PxWeb distribution solution. In addition to Statistics Finland, some other producers of Official Statistics of Finland also maintain PxWeb databases.


PxWin has replaced the old PcAxis program. PxWin is an end user application for browsing and editing Px files. We recommend the PxWin program to our data users who need to process multi-dimensional tables efficiently. PxWin is also useful when you need to search for tables that are too large to be processed as a whole in a browser or in a regular spreadsheet program. You can also use the program to contact PxWebApi databases across the world.

PxWin installation program (always the latest version), all Windows versions:

  • PxWin.zip, portable version (no installation needed), can be used to update the application

The program is also available on the pages of Statistics Sweden (SCB).

PxEdit and PxJob

We recommend the PxEdit program for processing tables to professionals and those producing Px files. PxEdit can, for example, be used to create Px files from various data sources, edit files manually, maintain and enrich metadata, validate Px files, combine data and run database reports. PxEdit is suitable for processing large files.

Using the program requires basic knowledge of the PcAxis file format. Instructions are found in the installation package of the program.

PxJob is a command line-based version of PxEdit that is suitable for automating standard functions.

PxEdit-package (always the latest version), Windows Vista and newer versions:

PcAxis (old program, no longer supported)

Installation option 1: pca2008setup1.zip, the INI file is a zipped file in the windows folder (2011-10-19).

Installation option 2: pca2008setup2.zip, the INI file is a zipped file in the folder of the PcAxis program (2011-10-19).

Installation option 3: pca2008setup3.zip, the .txt file of PcAxis includes information where the INI file can be found. The INI file has been added to the c:\pcaxis\ini folder and the c:\pcaxis\temp folder. The user can change it to another folder (zip) (2011-10-19).


Statistics Finland organises training on designing PxWeb distribution databases and the tools for maintenance (PxWin and PxEdit). More information on training (in Finnish).

Further information

Email: tietokannat@stat.fi

More information on the programs and their use can also be found on Statistics Sweden’s (SCB) home page for the Px suite.