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Altogether 29.7 per cent of persons aged 16 or over experienced loneliness in 2022

release | Statistics on living conditions 2022


An error was detected in the data describing loneliness and feeling happy, for which reason the data published on 31 March 2023 were corrected in the release and database tables.
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New tables have been added and some tables have been archived in the statistics on living conditions.
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According to Statistics Finland, 29.7 per cent of persons aged 16 or over felt lonely all the time, most of the time or sometimes in 2022. The share of persons experiencing loneliness grew in all age groups from 2018, when the share was 21.2 per cent. Persons aged 85 or over experienced loneliness most, persons aged 16 to 24 second most.

Key selections

  • Experiences of loneliness have become more common. Nearly 30 per cent of persons aged 16 or over felt that they were lonely most of the time, all the time or sometimes in 2022, while the share was around 21 per cent in 2018.
  • Despite loneliness becoming more common, the share of those feeling happy has remained very high. More than nine out of ten persons felt happy most of the time, all the time or sometimes in 2022.
  • Fifteen per cent of those aged 16 or over felt left out. Feeling left out is more common among the elderly population. Persons with activity limitations also felt left out more often than the rest of the population.
  • The feeling of being left out was measured by asking to what extent the respondent agreed with the following statement: “I feel left out.” The respondents were asked to consider their experiences of social inclusion, social relationships, working life and access to services.


New tables have been added and some tables have been archived in the statistics on living conditions.
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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Socio-economic group
  • Satisfaction with household's financial situation
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029 551 3408
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