Statistics on living conditions: The indicator that measures the risk of poverty or social exclusion has been revised

Date of change:

The so-called AROPE indicator (At Risk of Poverty or Social Exclusion) that measures the risk of poverty or social exclusion is based on international comparative statistics of the Statistical Office of the European Union. Eurostat revised the measurement of low work intensity and severe material and social deprivation included in the risk of poverty or social exclusion indicator in 2021.

The revised indicator has been introduced in Statistics Finland's statistics on living conditions for the statistical reference year 2020. The statistics on living conditions includes only time series data according to the new definition starting from the statistical reference year 2015.

Data on low work intensity based on the old definition for the time period 2008 to 2019 can be found in the archive tables of the statistics on living conditions. The definition changes are described in the documentation of the statistics on living conditions, see concepts.

New table







Tables 11wk,11wj, 131u, 131v, 131x, 131y, 11y2, 11wu are moved to the archive database.

Further information

Marie Reijo
Senior Researcher
029 551 2547
Kaisa-Mari Okkonen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3408