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Income distribution statistics: The sample-based risk of poverty indicators will in future be published as part of the annually published data of the statistics on living conditions

Date of change:

The sample-based risk of poverty indicators published in the income distribution statistics will in future be published as part of the annually published data of the statistics on living conditions.

Sample-based risk of poverty is part of the at risk of poverty or social exclusion (AROPE) indicator published in the statistics on living conditions. Data on the dwelling population’s risk of poverty based on total data and intended for national use will continue to be published in the income distribution statistics.

Tables to be archived and their replacements in the statistics on living conditions:

122t - Household population's risk of poverty indicators by age and sex -> Replaced by table 13wk in the statistics on living conditions

127h - Household population's risk of poverty indicators by person's household's life-cycle -> Replaced by table 13wl in the statistics on living conditions

127i - Household population's risk of poverty indicators by person's socioeconomic group -> Replaced by table 13wm in the statistics on living conditions

Other tables to be archived:

127k - Number of persons at risk of poverty and the at-risk-of-poverty rate by at-risk-of-poverty thresholds fixed to previous years

128k - At risk of poverty thresholds for different households

Further information

Kaisa-Mari Okkonen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3408