County elections
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Elections
Related topics: Social Protection
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): No
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
County elections are held every four years. Statistics Finland produces official statistics from the elections. The preliminary statistics are published as soon as possible starting from the election night. The second data, or the final data are supplied to Statistics Finland after the election result is confirmed. After the confirmation of the election result, the confirmed data corresponding to the preliminary statistics are released on the statistics pages and the StatFin databases are updated.
Detailed data on elections can be found on Statistics Finland’s website.
Statistics Finland receives the basic data for the elections from the Ministry of Justice’s election in-formation system. Statistics Finland’s election data system comprises four election data files: regional file, party file, candidate file and candidate register.
Data content
The main content of the statistic consists of information on the candidates, result and voting in the elections. Tables in databases, releases and background analyses published in reviews are produced from the data.
Classifications used
Data collection methods and data sources
The statistic is based on a total dataset (register data) and covers all the observations in the fundamental set. The data is received from the Legal Register Centre via line transfer. Source of the data is Ministry of Justice.
Updating frequency
Every fourth year.
Time of completion or release
Depending on the release the statistic is in general released with a 1 day to 1month delay.
Time series
Elections, County elections
Contact information
Last updated 20.10.2021