Prices of dwellings in housing companies
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Housing
Related topics: Prices and Costs
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The statistics on prices of dwelling in housing companies describe the development in the prices of old dwellings. The monthly and quarterly statistics are suitable for monitoring short-term price development whereas the annually produced statistics provide more detailed information on the housing market by area, such as numbers of completed transactions.
Data content
The monthly and quarterly statistics contain a price index describing the price development of old dwellings in housing companies and unencumbered average prices per square metre. The statistics are produced yearly on the average prices of completed transactions and numbers of transactions. The data are based on asset transfer tax statements.
Classifications used
Monthly statistics: Whole country (excl. Åland), Greater Helsinki, Rest of Finland (Whole country exclusive of Greater Helsinki), Satellite municipalities (Hyvinkää, Järvenpää, Kerava, Riihimäki, Kirkkonummi, Nurmijärvi, Sipoo, Tuusula, Vihti), Helsinki, Espoo-Kauniainen, Vantaa, Tampere, Turku, Oulu and major regions Southern Finland, Western Finland, Eastern Finland, and Northern Finland.
Quarterly statistics: Whole country (excl. Åland), Greater Helsinki, Rest of Finland (Whole country exclusive of Greater Helsinki), Satellite municipalities (Hyvinkää, Järvenpää, Kerava, Riihimäki, Kirkkonummi, Nurmijärvi, Sipoo, Tuusula, Vihti), regions and Finland's major cities.
Annual statistics: Whole country (excl. Åland), Greater Helsinki, Rest of Finland (Whole country exclusive of Greater Helsinki), major regions, regions and municipalities.
Data can be produced on postal code level from quarterly and annual statistics.
Data collection methods and data sources
The statistics on prices of dwellings in housing companies are compiled from the Finnish Tax Administration's asset transfer tax data. The preliminary data on monthly statistics include around two-fifths of all housing transactions and quarterly statistics around two-thirds, though coverage varies by area. For transactions of old dwellings in housing companies the coverage of the annual statistics is almost complete.
Updating frequency
Monthly, quarterly and annual.
Time of completion or release
Monthly statistics: The data are published one month from the end of the reference period.
Quarterly statistics: The data are published one month from the end of the reference period.
Annual statistics: The data are published in connection with the statistical release for the first quarter of the year.
Time series
Data compiled from the Tax Administration's asset transfer tax data are available on prices of dwellings in housing companies quarterly starting from the year 1987. Older data are available going back to 1970. Data provided by real estate agents are available for the period 1970 to 1986 and the used classification is much less detailed. For prices of new dwellings time series have been calculated since 2005. Monthly statistics are available from the beginning of 2010.
dwellings, flats, housing, indices, owner-occupied flats, price index of dwellings, price indices, prices
Contact information
Additional information
Petri Kettunen Phone: +358 29 551 3558, Elina Vuorio Phone: +358 29 551 3385
Last updated 17.11.2021