Finance of housing companies
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Housing
Related topics: Prices and Costs
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The statistics on the finance of housing corporations measure the cost of housing in housing corporations, and analyse its composition and reasons for differences in it. The statistics also show how housing corporations finance their expenditure, that is, what their income is composed of and what residents have to pay for housing in them.
Data content
Financial statement and profit and loss account of housing corporations.
Classifications used
Whole country, Greater Helsinki, rest of Finland, major regions, the building's age and volume.
Data collection methods and data sources
The data on housing corporations are based on an inquiry made once a year to around 2,400 housing companies and to about 1,000 government-subsidised rental units. One third of the sample changes yearly. The data concern accounting periods. The questionnaire form to managers of housing corporations is sent once the financial statements of the previous years are completed. The managers can send data for the housing corporation they represent to Statistics Finland either by post on a paper questionnaire or electronically via the Internet.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Once a year.
Time of completion or release
Completed and published in the October of the year following the statistical year.
Time series
Management expenses and income of housing companies from 1980 and those of government-subsidised rental units from 1993 onwards. The data have been published in the StatFin online service.
closing of the accounts, costs, dwellings, government-subsidised rental housing, housing, housing companies, profit and loss accounts, renovation costs
Contact information
Additional information
Martti Korhonen Phone: +358 29 551 3451, Heidi Lauttamäki Phone: +358 29 551 3029
Last updated 19.03.2020