Cost index of civil engineering works
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Prices and Costs
Related topics: Construction
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
The cost index of civil engineering works describes changes in the costs incurred by civil engineering enterprises from the purchase and use of inputs. Point figures are produced from the index by sub-indices and by input group. Index point figures are also produced by costs item for the entire civil engineering industry. In addition, special indices are available for use in civil engineering contract agreements.
Data content
Index point figures related to the price development of cost factors in civil engineering. The basic data may not be disclosed.
Classifications used
The sub-indices: foundation structures, earth structures, rock structures, surfacing, municipal engineering systems, concrete structures, other technical systems, maintenance, road maintenance, street maintenance and railway maintenance. Types of costs: labour, own machinery, purchased machine services, purchased transport services, materials, site overhead costs.
Data collection methods and data sources
Own data collection, other statistics.
Data collections
Updating frequency
Time of completion or release
Published on the 23th day of the month following the statistical reference month. If the day concerned falls on Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday, the statistics are published on the first weekday after it.
Time series
The data are available starting from 1990. Old road building cost index starting from 1964. Old civil engineering cost index starting from 1980. The index currently in use is 2015=100.
civil engineering, construction, cost index of civil engineering works, costs, indices
Contact information
Last updated 23.02.2018