Adult education of educational institutions
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Education
Related topics:
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The statistics on adult education of educational institutions contain data on the adult education organised by vocational institutes, universities of applied sciences, liberal adult education institutions and music schools and colleges.
Data content
The statistics contain data on the volume of adult education provided by educational institution, number of participants in such education and teaching hours provided by teachers in it.
Classifications used
The statistical data comprise those describing educational institution, various regional classifications and Statistics Finland’s, the Educational Administration’s and international classifications of fields and levels of education.
Data collection methods and data sources
Statistics Finland collects the data from all educational institutions providing adult education within the education system.
Data collections
Updating frequency
The statistics are compiled annually.
Time of completion or release
Data describing the previous calendar year are ready in December of the following year.
Time series
Time series data are available starting from 1993. Examinations of the time series should allow for changes that have taken place in the area covered by the topic.
adult education, education, educational institutions, students
Contact information
Last updated 04.11.2021