Pre-primary and comprehensive school education
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Education
Related topics: Culture and the Media
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The statistics on comprehensive schools contain data by individual school on numbers of pupils in comprehensive schools, special schools at the basic level of education, and in schools at the basic and upper secondary general levels of education. The data on the current autumn describe the situation on 20 September and those on completions of education the previous school year. In connection with the data collection, information is also gathered about special education and subject choices of comprehensive school pupils (see Special education and Subject choices of students).
Data content
The statistics contain data by individual school on e.g. numbers of pupils in each year-class on 20 September, pupils having received school-leaving certificates from comprehensive school and pupils having failed to progress to the next class.
Classifications used
The data in the statistics are classified by classifications describing types of educational institution and diverse regional classifications, as well as by Statistics Finland’s, the Educational Administration’s and international classifications of fields and levels of education.
Data collection methods and data sources
Statistics Finland collects the data for the statistics on comprehensive schools from all comprehensive schools in Finland with electronic web questionnaires via the Internet. The statistics on comprehensive schools are based on total data.
Data collections
Updating frequency
The statistics on comprehensive schools are produced annually.
Time of completion or release
The statistics on comprehensive schools are ready in November of the same year. The statistics on subject choices of comprehensive school pupils are ready in May, and the statistics on special education in June of the following year. (see Special education and Subject choices of students).
Time series
Time series data are available starting from the 1980s. Data by individual school are available starting from 1998. Examinations of the time series should allow for changes that have taken place in the area covered by the topic.
comprehensive school, education, general education, leaving certificates, pupils
Contact information
Last updated 23.03.2021