Research and development
Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Science, Technology and Information
Related topics: Enterprises
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes
The statistics on research and development describe the resources used for research, and for product and process development. R&D data are examined by sector, region and sub-regional unit. The statistics are based on data obtained from enterprises, universities, university hospitals, universities of applied science as well as organisations from private non-profit and public sector. The OECD and EU recommendations are observed in the compilation of the statistics. The Statistics Act (280/2004) is applied in the production of the statistics on science and technology (incl. research and development). In addition, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 995/2012 requires collection of data and steers the compilation of the statistics.
Data content
Data on R&D personnel and R&D in full-time equivalents by gender, education and work task; R&D expenditure by type of expenditure, by source of funding, by industry, product group and field of science.
Classifications used
The classifications used in the statistics are:
- Industry
- Municipality, sub-regional unit, region
- Sector
- Field of science.
Data collection methods and data sources
The data are collected on questionnaires from enterprises, universities, university hospitals, universities of applied science as well as organisations from private non-profit and public sector.
Data collections
- Enterprises' research and development
- Public sector research and development
- Universities' research and development
Updating frequency
Annually since 1997.
Time of completion or release
Data are released approximately 10 months from the end of the statistical reference year. Exact release dates are reported in the Release Calender at
Time series
From 1971 onwards. Changes in the definitions and collection methods affect the comparability of the time series.
business enterprises, expenditure, information society, institutions of higher education, product development, research activities, research expenditure, research institutes, universities
Contact information
Last updated 07.03.2018