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Comparison between 2018 and 2019

The following table depicts the 2019 results with the help of three indices. The year 2018 is represented by the figure 100. The volume index describes the change in the volume, correspondingly the price index reflects the price development and the value index depicts the change in the current-price value of the item in question. Only the items with the largest value are shown in the table; complete data can be found in the database tables appended to the statistics. For example, the volume of cereal production grew 1.24-fold (i.e. 24% growth) compared to the year before. The price, in turn, grew 1.09-fold and the output at current prices is expected to be 1.35-fold that of the previous year.

Economic Accounts for Agriculture, preliminary data 2019

  Value 2018 M€ Volume index Price index Value index Value 2019 M€
01 Cereals (including seeds) 443 124 109 135 598
02 Industrial crops 56 95 100 95 53
03 Forage plants 235 127 110 140 329
04 Vegetables and horticultural products 512 99 90 89 454
05 Potatoes (including seeds) 74 99 105 104 77
06 Fruits 120 97 97 94 113
09 Other crop products 13 137 96 131 17
10 Crop output 1 452 111 102 113 1 640
11 Animals 885 103 103 106 935
11.1 Cattle 412 104 101 105 433
11.2 Pigs 257 104 104 108 277
11.5 Poultry 183 100 105 105 192
12 Animal products 1 388 96 98 95 1 318
12.1 Milk 1 094 100 98 98 1 070
12.2 Eggs 78 102 102 104 81
12.9 Other animal products total 216 78 99 77 166
13 Animal output 2 273 99 100 99 2 252
14 Agricultural goods output 3 725 104 101 105 3 892
15 Agricultural services output 146 96 103 98 144
16 Agricultural output (14+15) 3 872 103 101 104 4 036
17 Secondary activities (inseparable) 544 96 103 98 535
18 Output of the agricultural 'industry' 4 416 102 101 104 4 571
19 Total intermediate consumption 3 302 97 104 100 3 297
19.0.2 Energy lubricants 454 90 102 92 417
19.0.3 Fertilisers and soil improvers 284 98 103 100 285
19.0.6 Feedingstuffs (intermediate consumption) 1 018 97 106 103 1 051
19.0.9 Agricultural services (intermediate consumption) 325 99 101 100 324
20 Gross value added at basic prices 1 114 120 95 114 1 274
21 Fixed capital consumption 1 198 100 100 100 1 200
22 Net value added at basic prices -84 .. .. .. 74
23 Compensation of employees 322 .. .. 102 328
24 Other taxes on production .. .. .. .. ..
25 Other subsidies on production 1 549 .. .. 100 1 548
26 Factor income 1 465 .. .. 111 1 622
27 Operating surplus/mixed income 1 143 .. .. 113 1 294
28 Rents and other real estate rental charges to be paid 225 .. .. 101 228
29 Interest paid 89 .. .. 101 90
31 Entrepreneurial income 829 .. .. 118 976
40 Total agricultural labour input 60 .. .. 98 59

Technical crops refer primarily to oil plants, sugar beet and protein crops. The oil crop harvest was weak but the better harvest from peas, broad beans, sugar beets and cumin compensated for the weak turnip rape and rapeseed harvests. As a result, the volume of technical plants decreased only by some five per cent from 2018.

The good green fodder harvest also boosts the value of plant production. On the other hand, green fodder is used as intermediate products for livestock, so it also increases the imputed intermediate product costs of the industry. Of course, a good fodder harvest also affects the expected result from cattle farms; one does not necessarily have to acquire as much commercial fodder if own fodder is available.

The prices of vegetables and other garden products have been lower than last year, so the value of output in horticulture is expected to decrease by good 10 per cent.

The volume and prices of conventional livestock production are expected to remain at last year’s level or even to grow slightly. Only the volume of fur production is expected contract considerably from 2018, which will lower the volume of total livestock production slightly.

The volume and value data of intermediate consumption are at this time of year still extremely preliminary so they must usually be revised when new data become available. The volume is, however, estimated to decreased somewhat while prices are expected to grow slightly. Fodder costs correspond with nearly one-third of the total value of intermediate consumption. Good 40 per cent of fodder costs is generated from fodder produced at the own farm.

Gross value added is obtained by deducting intermediate consumption from output. The volume will grow by some 20 per cent in 2019 compared to 2018 but due to changes in the prices of output and intermediate consumption the current-priced gross value added will only increase by 14 per cent. When consumption of fixed capital, i.e. depreciations, are subtracted from gross value added net value added is obtained. The net value added at current prices seems to turn positive after four negative years.

Entrepreneurial income from agriculture* is derived when other subsidies on production are added to and salaries paid, rents paid on land and interest paid are subtracted from the net value added. Other subsidies on production refer to subsidies that cannot be directly linked to a particular product. The total sum of such subsidies was around EUR 1,550 million in 2019, while the amount of so-called subsidies on products was some EUR 350 million. Entrepreneurial income from agriculture is expected to grow by some 18 per cent from 2018 to close on EUR one billion. However, the value of entrepreneurial income was good EUR 1.5 billion in 2010 so it will still be some one-third lower than 10 years ago. In any case, entrepreneurial income seems to be at its highest in five years.

Source: Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA), Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Hannu Maliniemi 029 551 2796,

Director in charge: Ville Vertanen

Updated 5.12.2019

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) [e-publication].
ISSN=2670-1006. 2019, Comparison between 2018 and 2019 . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 1.4.2025].
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