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Official Statistics of Finland

General government debt by quarter

Producer: Statistics Finland

Latest release:
General government debt decreased by EUR 1.8 billion in the fourth quarter of 2021
15 Mar 2022
General government EDP debt, or consolidated gross debt at nominal prices amounted to EUR 166.4 billion at the end of the fourth quarter of 2021 and decreased by EUR 1.8 billion during the quarter. Relative to GDP, general government debt stood at 65.8 per cent. Correspondingly, general government debt has grown by EUR 2.2 billion compared with the respective period of the year before. These data derive from Statistics Finland's statistics on general government debt by quarter. General government debt by quarter

Description: The purpose of quarterly reporting on general government debt is to follow the indebtedness of public economies in EU Member States in accordance with the Stability and Growth Pact of the EU. The EU Regulation concerning quarterly reporting came into force in 2004. The statistics contain general government debt at the end of each quarter, divided by sub-sector into the debt balances of central government, local government and social security funds.
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Keywords: public sector, government finances, general government debt, general government, local government finances, social security funds, central government guarantee, central government finances, state subsidy, central government debt, debts.
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Change: Responsibility for collecting economic data on municipalities and joint municipal authorities transferred to the State Treasury
28 Jun 2021
The responsibility for collecting quarterly data on the finances of municipalities and joint municipal authorities was transferred from Statistics Finland to the State Treasury in early 2021: Quarterly local government finances published for the first time on the service.

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): General government debt by quarter [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-8034. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 23.10.2024].
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