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Appendix table 2. Credit granted by other financial corporations to households by purpose of use in 2014-2015, EUR million

  2015/Q1 2014/Q4 2014/Q3 2014/Q2 2014/Q1 2)
Stock of consumer credits 2 061 2 043 1 972 1 935 1 915
Other purpose of use, stock 102 111 118 124 127
Stock of lending, total 1) 2 163 2 154 2 090 2 059 2 042
1) Inc. other financial institutions, small loan companies and pawn brokers
2) Due to the Classification of Sectors 2012, the data for 2014 are not fully comparable with earlier years

Source: Outstanding credit, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Kerttu Helin 029 551 3330, Jan Klavus 029 551 3391,

Director in charge: Mari Ylä-Jarkko

Updated 17.6.2015

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Outstanding credit [e-publication].
ISSN=2342-2661. 1st quarter 2015, Appendix table 2. Credit granted by other financial corporations to households by purpose of use in 2014-2015, EUR million . Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 1.7.2024].
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