3. Number of families with children steadily falling
At the end of 2011, there were 581,000 families with underage children in Finland. A family with underage children has at least one child under the age of 18 living at home. Families with children make up 40 per cent of all families. The percentage has been falling at a steady rate for the past few years. In all, 40 per cent of the population live in families with underage children, older siblings included.
The number of families with underage children fell by 1,800 from the previous year. The drop is the same as in the year before. The number of families with children is decreasing because the age groups of families expecting their first child are smaller than those celebrating the coming-of-age of their youngest child. In addition, more and more women remain childless, either willingly or unwillingly. For example, 27 per cent of the 35-year-old women born in 1976 are today childless. The percentage equals the one for women born in 1974 in the previous year. In 1990, the share of 35-year-old women without children was 19 per cent. (Population Structure in 1990 and 2011)
The number of families with children aged under seven increased for the seventh successive year already. In 2011, the number of such families went up by 1,400. The obvious explanation to this is that the number of children born has gone up in the early years of the 2000s.
Table 5. Families with underage children by type in 1950–2011
Year | Total | Married couple with children | Cohabiting couple with children | Mother and children | Father and children | Registered partnership with children | Persons in families with underage children | Families with children aged under 18 | Families with children of all families, % | Population belonging to families with children, % |
1950 | 599 329 | 515 115 | .. | 74 319 | 9 895 | .. | .. | 1 341 330 | 64 | .. |
1960 | 678 046 | 601 542 | .. | 67 381 | 9 123 | .. | .. | 1 536 464 | 65 | .. |
1970 1) | 677 035 | 602 076 | 5 800 | 61 173 | 7 986 | .. | .. | 1 345 089 | 59 | .. |
1980 2) | 688 732 | 572 142 | 32 100 | 74 839 | 9 651 | .. | .. | 1 163 926 | 54 | .. |
1990 | 640 637 | 490 999 | 59 900 | 78 948 | 10 790 | .. | 2 437 592 | 1 135 686 | 47 | 49 |
2000 | 612 627 | 398 892 | 95 120 | 103 984 | 14 631 | .. | 2 317 291 | 1 116 687 | 44 | 45 |
2005 | 591 528 | 368 553 | 104 782 | 103 044 | 15 063 | 86 | 2 232 613 | 1 084 865 | 42 | 43 |
2006 | 589 448 | 365 326 | 106 422 | 102 469 | 15 111 | 120 | 2 223 718 | 1 080 728 | 41 | 42 |
2007 | 587 767 | 362 884 | 107 290 | 102 156 | 15 291 | 146 | 2 216 526 | 1 076 522 | 41 | 42 |
2008 | 585 224 | 360 904 | 107 034 | 101 717 | 15 382 | 187 | 2 206 209 | 1 071 800 | 41 | 41 |
2009 | 584 172 | 358 871 | 107 377 | 102 146 | 15 549 | 229 | 2 200 603 | 1 068 554 | 40 | 41 |
2010 | 582 360 | 356 943 | 107 368 | 101 946 | 15 836 | 267 | 2 200 603 | 1 068 554 | 40 | 41 |
2011 | 580 547 | 354 567 | 107 738 | 101 963 | 15 940 | 339 | 2 185 130 | 1 061 710 | 40 | 40 |
% | ||||||||||
1950 | 100,0 | 85,9 | .. | 12,4 | 1,7 | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. |
1960 | 100,0 | 88,7 | .. | 9,9 | 1,3 | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. |
1970 | 100,0 | 88,9 | 0,9 | 9,0 | 1,2 | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. |
1980 | 100,0 | 83,1 | 4,7 | 10,9 | 1,4 | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. |
1990 | 100,0 | 76,6 | 9,4 | 12,3 | 1,7 | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. |
2000 | 100,0 | 65,1 | 15,5 | 17,0 | 2,4 | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. |
2005 | 100,0 | 62,3 | 17,7 | 17,4 | 2,5 | 0,0 | .. | .. | .. | .. |
2006 | 100,0 | 62,0 | 18,1 | 17,4 | 2,6 | 0,0 | .. | .. | .. | .. |
2007 | 100,0 | 61,7 | 18,3 | 17,4 | 2,6 | 0,0 | .. | .. | .. | .. |
2008 | 100,0 | 61,7 | 18,3 | 17,4 | 2,6 | 0,0 | .. | .. | .. | .. |
2009 | 100,0 | 61,4 | 18,4 | 17,5 | 2,7 | 0,0 | .. | .. | .. | .. |
2010 | 100,0 | 61,3 | 18,4 | 17,5 | 2,7 | 0,0 | .. | .. | .. | .. |
2011 | 100,0 | 61,1 | 18,6 | 17,6 | 2,7 | 0,1 |
2) The breakdown of the census by type of family has been revised on the basis of the 1981 register-based material on families and cohabiting couples.
3.1 Sixty-one per cent of families with underage children are families of married couples
By far the most common type of family with underage children is still that of a married couple. In 61 per cent of all families with underage children the supporters are a married couple. On the other hand, this is the only form of family with children which has seen a steady decline, both in absolute and relative terms. Nevertheless, it is evident that its dominance will not be threatened by any other family form in the near future. The numbers of all other types of families with children grew over the year. At the end of 2011, there were 107,700 families of cohabiting couples with underage children in Finland, which equals to 19 per cent of all families with underage children.
Fifty-four per cent of first-born children are today born outside the marriage. The percentage has remained almost unchanged since 1999. Forty-one per cent of all children born in 2011 were born outside the marriage (Population changes 2011).
The number of families with children of the type mother and children (102,000) has gone up slightly from the year before. However, the share of these families among all families with children has remained quite unchanged. One-fifth of all families with children are still one-parent families (mother and children or father and children). Families with children whose regular composition is father and children are still quite rare in Finland, their number being only 15,900. Families composed of a registered couple and children under the age of 18 are even rarer, numbering around 300.
Figure 5A. Families with underage children by type of family and age of mother/single carer father in 2011

Figure 5B. Families with underage children by type of family and age of mother/single carer father in 2011, relative breakdown

3.2 Nine per cent of families with children reconstituted families
A reconstituted family refers to a family that has a non-common child under the age of 18, i.e. the child has, in a sense, received a new social parent. The concept is more broadly interpreted in everyday talk: the weekend families born in consequence of diverse family splits are referred to as reconstituted families. However, statistics on families must be compiled according to the child’s permanent place of residence. A child cannot be included in two families in the statistics. Divorced fathers and mothers with whom children only stay during weekends and holidays are not included in family statistics unless they have formed a new family.
Reconstituted families make up nine per cent (53,000 families) of all families with underage children. The number of reconstituted families has grown slowly ever since the first statistics on them were compiled in 1990. In 2011 the number rose by nearly one hundred families.
One-half of the parents of reconstituted families are married to each other and one-half cohabit with each other. Usually, the child of a reconstituted family is the mother’s and has obtained a new social father. If a common child is born to a reconstituted family, the parents usually marry, but otherwise they mostly cohabit. Families with “your children, my children and our children” living in the same household are still rare, numbering only 768.
Table 6. Reconstituted families 1990–2011
Year | Total | Married couple | Cohabiting couple | Reconstituted families as a proportion of families with children, % | Mother's children | Father's children | Common children | Children under 18 in reconstituted families | Non-common children as a proportion of children of all families, % | Children in reconstituted families as aproportion of children of all families, % |
1990 | 44 426 | 21 808 | 22 618 | 6,9 | 50 713 | 7 443 | 30 089 | 88 245 | 5,1 | 7,8 |
1995 | 42 460 | 19 197 | 23 263 | 6,6 | 50 322 | 7 637 | 29 242 | 87 201 | 5,0 | 7,6 |
2000 | 47 288 | 21 315 | 25 973 | 7,7 | 58 550 | 8 541 | 30 931 | 98 022 | 6,0 | 8,8 |
2001 | 48 359 | 21 846 | 26 513 | 8,0 | 60 272 | 8 916 | 31 086 | 100 274 | 6,3 | 9,1 |
2002 | 49 294 | 22 431 | 26 863 | 8,2 | 61 816 | 9 120 | 31 226 | 102 162 | 6,5 | 9,3 |
2003 | 49 944 | 22 888 | 27 056 | 8,4 | 63 071 | 9 198 | 31 565 | 103 834 | 6,6 | 9,5 |
2004 | 50 867 | 23 872 | 26 995 | 8,6 | 64 503 | 9 366 | 32 040 | 105 909 | 6,8 | 9,7 |
2005 | 52 204 | 24 722 | 27 482 | 8,8 | 66 228 | 9 746 | 32 465 | 108 439 | 7,0 | 10,0 |
2006 | 52 920 | 25 275 | 27 645 | 9,0 | 67 175 | 10 054 | 32 817 | 110 071 | 7,1 | 10,2 |
2007 | 53 482 | 25 901 | 27 581 | 9,1 | 67 652 | 10 254 | 33 064 | 110 970 | 7,2 | 10,3 |
2008 | 53 674 | 26 415 | 27 259 | 9,2 | 67 463 | 10 378 | 33 227 | 111 068 | 7,3 | 10,4 |
2009 | 53 584 | 26 516 | 27 068 | 9,2 | 67 154 | 10 517 | 33 016 | 110 687 | 7,3 | 10,4 |
2010 | 53 265 | 26 612 | 26 653 | 9,1 | 66 508 | 10 417 | 33 057 | 109 982 | 7,2 | 10,3 |
2011 | 53 361 | 26 698 | 26 663 | 9,2 | 66 423 | 10 473 | 33 169 | 110 065 | 7,2 | 10,4 |
3.3 Five per cent of families with underage children have at least four children
When examining the number of children in families, allowance must be made for the family’s stage of life. For example, families which have only had their first born are processed as one-child families in statistics, as are also families with only their last-born living at home. Family statistics thus represent a cross-section of the situation at a given moment, i.e. the sizes of families in the country at a given point in time, and not the eventual numbers of children in families. Hence, it is difficult to compare the statistics relating to different points in time because of the uneven age structure of the population.
The clearest long-term change in the number of children in families is the fall in the number and relative proportion of families with at least four children since the post-war period (Table 7). The number of these large families started to go up after the mid-1980s but the growth then petered out at the onset of the 2000s. Over the past decade the number has stayed fairly steady. While at the same time the numbers of families with one or two children have decreased, the relative proportion of families with at least four children has risen to nearly five per cent. The number of families with at least four children has grown by nearly 200 from last year.
At the end of 2011, one family with 15 underage children led the statistics on the number of children. When all children living at home are taken into account, the largest families in Finland also have 15 children.
Table 7. Number of children in families with underage children 1950–2011
Year | Families total | Number of children in families | Average number of children aged under 18 | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4- | |||
1950 | 599 329 | 234 682 | 173 092 | 95 100 | 96 455 | 2,24 |
1960 | 678 046 | 253 285 | 202 408 | 112 446 | 109 907 | 2,27 |
1970 | 677 035 | 287 649 | 222 276 | 100 358 | 66 752 | 1,99 |
1980 | 688 732 | 333 812 | 264 944 | 70 100 | 19 876 | 1,69 |
1990 | 640 637 | 286 549 | 250 317 | 81 163 | 22 608 | 1,77 |
2000 | 612 627 | 268 369 | 230 758 | 85 025 | 28 475 | 1,82 |
2005 | 591 528 | 255 549 | 225 879 | 81 775 | 28 325 | 1,83 |
2008 | 585 224 | 253 841 | 224 508 | 78 550 | 28 325 | 1,83 |
2009 | 584 172 | 254 457 | 223 777 | 77 528 | 28 410 | 1,83 |
2010 | 582 360 | 254 551 | 222 596 | 76 860 | 28 353 | 1,83 |
2011 | 580 547 | 253 995 | 221 643 | 76 367 | 28 542 | 1,83 |
% | ||||||
1950 | 100,0 | 39,2 | 28,9 | 15,9 | 16,1 | .. |
1960 | 100,0 | 37,4 | 29,9 | 16,6 | 16,2 | .. |
1970 | 100,0 | 42,5 | 32,8 | 14,8 | 9,9 | .. |
1980 | 100,0 | 48,5 | 38,5 | 10,2 | 2,9 | .. |
1990 | 100,0 | 44,7 | 39,1 | 12,7 | 3,5 | .. |
2000 | 100,0 | 43,8 | 37,7 | 13,9 | 4,6 | .. |
2005 | 100,0 | 43,2 | 38,2 | 13,8 | 4,8 | .. |
2008 | 100,0 | 43,4 | 38,4 | 13,4 | 4,8 | .. |
2009 | 100,0 | 43,6 | 38,3 | 13,3 | 4,9 | .. |
2010 | 100,0 | 43,7 | 38,2 | 13,2 | 4,9 | .. |
2011 | 100,0 | 43,8 | 38,2 | 13,2 | 4,9 |
The average number of children in a family with underage children is not directly comparable at different points in time, because the sizes of the age groups at various stages of family life vary. The figures should be age-standardised. This does not give exactly unambiguous information either, since childbearing age has continuously risen. Therefore, the youngest age groups in 1985 cannot be compared direct with the present youngest age groups, as at the moment women's average age at first confinement is two years higher than at that time. However, the average number of children in a family with children has remained stable since the 1990s.
The recent trend can be seen in Figure 6, which shows the average number of underage children living at home according to the mother's age group. The fact that women giving birth have become older is visible in that mothers aged over 40 have almost the same number of children in each age group as in the previous year and clearly more than in 1995. In turn, mothers aged under 35 have roughly the same number of children as in the year before.
Figure 6. Average number of children in families with underage children by age of mother in 1985, 1995, 2010 and 2011

Source: Population and Cause of Death Statistics, Statistics Finland
Inquiries: Marjut Pietiläinen 09 1734 2798, Timo Nikander 09 1734 3250, vaesto.tilasto@stat.fi
Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma
Updated 9.11.2012
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF):
Families [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-3231. Annual Review 2011,
3. Number of families with children steadily falling
. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 6.2.2025].
Access method: http://www.stat.fi/til/perh/2011/02/perh_2011_02_2012-11-09_kat_003_en.html