Press release 13.12.2006
In the light and shade of statistics
If all events that took place in Finland in 2005 are divided evenly between the days of the year, this is what happened during just one day...
- 158 children were born, 80 boys and 78 girls
- 131 persons died
- 80 marriages were entered into
- 37 divorces were granted
- 43 residential buildings, 35 of them single homes, were completed
- 142 million kilometres, or 3,500 times around the world, were driven by cars
- every passenger car drove 50 kilometres
- everybody ate 200g of meat, 170g of potatoes, 150g of fresh vegetables, 130g of fresh fruit and 520g of dairy products
- 1.1 million litres of medium strength beer was drunk, or 0.2 litres per inhabitant
- 2,150 offences were reported to the police
- 1,650 crimes were cleared
- 420 thefts were committed
- 84 people were assaulted
- 71 drunken drivers were caught
- 40 narcotics offences were committed
- 46 motor vehicles were stolen or taken into use unlawfully
- 13 forgery offences were committed
- 9 embezzlements were committed
- 30 abortions were made
- 25 children were taken into care
- 36 fires to which rescue services were called broke out
- 76,800 books were sold
- 289,000 items were taken out on loan from public libraries
- 7.5 million short text messages were sent
- 5 patents were granted
All this and a host of other interesting information can be found in the freshly published Statistical Yearbook of Finland 2006. The Yearbook, published by Statistics Finland, is an extensive collection of statistics and at the same time an exhaustive and helpful general volume describing Finnish society and its development in recent years and decades. Apart from data on Finland, the book also contains abundant international comparison data.
The Yearbook is accompanied by a CD-ROM containing the publication in PDF format, all its tables in Excel format, as well as its thematic maps. It is also available as an online service version. The Yearbook is in three languages, Finnish, Swedish and English.
Source: Statistical Yearbook of Finland 2006.
Statistics Finland
Price EUR 73 (EUR 63 as a permanent order)
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