28 November 1997
Inquiries: Mr Erkki Lääkäri, tel. +358 9 1734
Statistical director in charge: Mr Markku
Domestic demand upholds growth in output in September
Total output was up by 5.7 per cent in the year to September. The Monthly Indicator of Total Output of Statistics Finland indicates that output increased in all branches of industry. Growth was sustained in particular by domestic demand, manifested in a rapid increase in construction, trade and commerce, and transportation.
Output in construction was still brisk, seeing a rise of 16.5 per cent compared to September 1996. Fuelled by commercial fellings, output in agriculture and forestry increased by 16.2 per cent, while output in trade and commerce rose by 9.2 per cent and transportation by 8.7 per cent. Output in manufacturing as calculated per working day grew by 4.3 per cent in the year to September. Other services and government services were up by 1.5 per cent.
The monthly indicator of total output is based on eleven monthly series of different sectors of the economy. The series are summed up by weighting.
Source: Monthly Indicator of Total Output, September 1997. Statistics Finland