Housing and constructionPrices and consumption

Prices of old dwellings in housing companies rose in large towns and outside them in the early part of 2022

review | Prices of dwellings in housing companies 31.3.2022


Changes in database tables in these statistics. New tables will be published on 20 May 2022 and old tables will be transferred to the archive
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The statistics on prices of dwellings in housing companies were reviewed as concerns prices of old dwellings in housing companies.
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According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, prices of old dwellings in housing companies rose in January to March 2022 by 3.4 per cent in the whole country compared to the previous year and by 0.7 per cent compared to the previous quarter. Prices went up in the first quarter and in March compared to the corresponding period of the previous year in large towns and outside them. Six per cent fewer transactions of dwellings in housing companies were made through real estate agencies in the first quarter and 11 per cent fewer in March than in the corresponding period in 2021.


Changes in database tables in these statistics. New tables will be published on 20 May 2022 and old tables will be transferred to the archive
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The statistics on prices of dwellings in housing companies were reviewed as concerns prices of old dwellings in housing companies.
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See key statistical data in the figures.

Annual change of prices of old dwellings in housing companies by regions, per cent

Annual change of prices of old dwellings in housing companies in cities, per cent

Development of prices of new dwellings in housing companies quarterly, index 2015=100


See key statistical data in the tables.

Development of prices of old dwellings in housing companies, index 2015=100

Development of prices and prices per square metre of old dwellings in housing companies, March 2022, index 2020=100

Development of prices and prices per square metre of old dwellings in housing companies, 1st quarter 2022, index 2020=100

Development of prices of old dwellings in housing companies 2021, index 2020=100

Database tables

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Database tables with background information relevant to the publication
Classifications used:
  • Region
  • Building type
  • Number of rooms
Classifications used:
  • Number of rooms
  • Building type
  • Region
  • Form of ownership of plot

Future releases

Background information

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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Petri Kettunen
029 551 3558
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Head of Department in charge