Index of wage and salary earnings
Producer: Statistics Finland
Homepage: http://
Main topic: Wages, Salaries and Labour Costs
Related topics: Labour Market
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): No
This is an index measuring development in wage and salary earners’ earnings for regular working hours. The base year of the index is 2010=100. The index is not influenced by the effects of overtime work or one-off bonuses or remuneration items.
The basic data cover approximately two-thirds of the full-time wage and salary earners in Finland. Wage and salary earner groups by industry are weighted together in the index with fixed wage sum weights. By-products from the index are data on the average earnings of wage and salary earners according to different classifications. The data relating to individual units in the basic data are confidential.
Data content
The index of wage and salary earnings describes quarterly development in wage and salary earners’ average earnings for regular working hours by sector, industry and wage and salary earner group. Taxes and employee social security contributions are not deducted from average earnings. Preliminary index point figures are based on estimates of agreement effects and wage drifts. In addition, the index of wage and salary earnings data are used to calculate average data by employer sector and industry.
Classifications used
Index of wage and salary earnings: Employer sector, industry, wage and salary earner group and gender.
Data collection methods and data sources
The index of wage and salary earnings is mainly based on the wage and salary data collected by the employer organisations from their members. Statistics Finland's own inquiry is also utilised in industries dominated by small enterprises.
Data collections
- Inquiry on local government sector wages and salaries
- Inquiry on private sector wages and salaries
- Labour cost index in the private sector
Updating frequency
Twice a year for public sector hourly-paid and once a year for other wage and salary earner groups.
Time of completion or release
Index of wage and salary earnings: Preliminary data are published about one and a half months from the end of each quarter. The data become specified gradually in the following publications. Indices of each year become final in the autumn of the following year at the latest.
Time series
Index of wage and salary earnings: Continuous indices of wage and salary earnings available from 1948 onwards.
average pay, earnings development, employees, income level, index of wage and salary earnings, indices, industries, occupations, public sector, wages and salaries
Contact information
Additional information
Old indices of wage and salary earnings are calculated by means of the latest index. Old indices are 1938=100 and 1964=100 and from 1975 at five-year intervals.
Last updated 12.01.2018