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CVTS, Continuing vocational training

Producer: Statistics Finland
Main topic: Education
Related topics:
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Yes
European Statistical System (ESS): Yes


The statistics on continuing vocational training (CVTS) collect data on the amount, quality and costs of training offered by enterprises to their personnel and on enterprises’ training strategies.

The first Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS1) was conducted in 1994 concerning 1993. The survey was then implemented in 12 Member States of the European Union, but Finland did not participate in the data collecting. The data for the second Continuing Vocational Training Survey (CVTS2) were collected in 2000. From this onwards, the data collection has been carried out around every fifth year.

In Finland, Statistics Finland has been responsible for publishing data from the survey.

Data content

The survey is used to describe the numbers of participants in training sponsored by employers and training days by gender, organiser of training and field of education. In addition, the survey studies the expenditure of training by cost factor, used forms of training, enterprises’ training principles, trends of change in training and obstacles to the organising of training.

The basic data are confidential. Research institutes and groups may get permission to use unidentifiable unit-level data according to a separate application practice.

Classifications used

Industry and size category of enterprise.

Data collection methods and data sources

The sampling frame of the data collection of the statistics included all enterprises in the private sector with at least ten employees excluding agriculture and forestry, education, health and social work and public administration.

In 2015, the sampling frame of the data collection covered 17,359 enterprises, of which around 3,000 were selected for the sample. The sample was drawn as a random sample from strata formed by three size categories and 20 industry categories in such a way that all enterprises with over 250 employees were included. The data were collected by a web data collection directed to the enterprises, supplemented with reminders.

The data collections have been carried out based on the Regulations of the Parliament and the Commission in all current EU Member States and in some other European countries. The practical implementation (timetable, content, sample, quality reporting) of the data collection for the statistics on continuing vocational training concerning 2015 was defined in Commission Regulation (EU) No 1153/2014.

Data collections

Updating frequency

In Finland, the data collection was carried out for the first time in 2000 and from then onwards data have been collected around every fifth year at a time specified by the Commission.

The next data collection will be carried out in 2021 concerning 2020 based on the same Regulations of the Parliament and the Commission as the previous data collection in 2015.

Time of completion or release

The results of the statistics on continuing vocational training CVTS have been reported on the statistics homepage

Time series

Data regarding Finland from 1999, 2005, 2010 and 2015. For some EU countries, data are also available from 1993.

Eurostat has published several releases and publications concerning the data on the level of the whole European Union as well as time series data since 2005.


adult education, business enterprises, costs of training, employer-sponsored training, forms of training, ICT, international comparison, providers of education, self-directed studies, training, training courses, training expenditure

Contact information

Last updated 18.03.2020