- 2021
- 4th quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Consumer prices of principal oil products (10.3.2022)
- Appendix figure 2. Fuel prices in heat production (10.3.2022)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in electricity production (10.3.2022)
- Appendix figure 4. Price of electricity by type of consumer (10.3.2022)
- Appendix figure 5. Average monthly spot prices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (10.3.2022)
- 3rd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (9.12.2021)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (9.12.2021)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (9.12.2021)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (9.12.2021)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (9.12.2021)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spot prices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (9.12.2021)
- 2nd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (9.9.2021)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (9.9.2021)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (9.9.2021)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (9.9.2021)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (9.9.2021)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spot prices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (9.9.2021)
- 1st quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (10.6.2021)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (10.6.2021)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (10.6.2021)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (10.6.2021)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (10.6.2021)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spot prices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (10.6.2021)
- 2020
- 4th quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (11.3.2021)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (11.3.2021)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (11.3.2021)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (11.3.2021)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (11.3.2021)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spot prices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (11.3.2021)
- 3rd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (10.12.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (10.12.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (10.12.2020)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (10.12.2020)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (10.12.2020)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spot prices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (10.12.2020)
- 2nd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (10.9.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (10.9.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (10.9.2020)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (10.9.2020)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (10.9.2020)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spot prices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (10.9.2020)
- 1st quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (11.6.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (11.6.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (11.6.2020)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (11.6.2020)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (11.6.2020)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spot prices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (11.6.2020)
- 2019
- 4th quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (12.3.2020)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (12.3.2020)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (12.3.2020)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (12.3.2020)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (12.3.2020)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spot prices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (12.3.2020)
- 3rd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (11.12.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (11.12.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (11.12.2019)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (11.12.2019)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (11.12.2019)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spot prices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (11.12.2019)
- 2nd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (12.9.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (12.9.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (The figure was corrected on 5 November 2019) (12.9.2019)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (12.9.2019)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (12.9.2019)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spot prices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (12.9.2019)
- 1st quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (12.6.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (12.6.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (12.6.2019)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (12.6.2019)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (12.6.2019)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (12.6.2019)
- 2018
- 4th quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (13.3.2019)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (13.3.2019)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (13.3.2019)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (13.3.2019)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (13.3.2019)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (13.3.2019)
- 3rd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (12.12.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (12.12.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (12.12.2018)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (12.12.2018)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (12.12.2018)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (12.12.2018)
- 2nd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (12.9.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (12.9.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (12.9.2018)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (12.9.2018)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (12.9.2018)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (12.9.2018)
- 1st quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (12.6.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (12.6.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (12.6.2018)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (12.6.2018)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (12.6.2018)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (12.6.2018)
- 2017
- 4th quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (13.3.2018)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (13.3.2018)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (13.3.2018)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (13.3.2018)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (13.3.2018)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (13.3.2018)
- 3rd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (7.12.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (7.12.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (7.12.2017)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (7.12.2017)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (7.12.2017)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (7.12.2017)
- 2nd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (7.9.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (7.9.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (7.9.2017)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (7.9.2017)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (7.9.2017)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (7.9.2017)
- 1st quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (7.6.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (7.6.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (7.6.2017)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (7.6.2017)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (7.6.2017)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (7.6.2017)
- 2016
- 4th quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (8.3.2017)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (8.3.2017)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (8.3.2017)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (8.3.2017)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (the figure was corrected on 17 February 2017) (8.3.2017)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (8.3.2017)
- 3rd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (8.12.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (8.12.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (8.12.2016)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (8.12.2016)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (the figure was corrected on 17 February 2017) (8.12.2016)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (8.12.2016)
- 2nd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (7.9.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (7.9.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (7.9.2016)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (7.9.2016)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (7.9.2016)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (7.9.2016)
- 1st quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (8.6.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (8.6.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (8.6.2016)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (8.6.2016)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (8.6.2016)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (8.6.2016)
- 2015
- 4th quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (9.3.2016)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (9.3.2016)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (9.3.2016)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (9.3.2016)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (9.3.2016)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (9.3.2016)
- 3rd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (14.12.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (14.12.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (14.12.2015)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (14.12.2015)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (14.12.2015)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (14.12.2015)
- 2nd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (17.9.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (17.9.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (17.9.2015)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (17.9.2015)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer (17.9.2015)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (17.9.2015)
- 1st quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (16.6.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (16.6.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (16.6.2015)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (16.6.2015)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (16.6.2015)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (16.6.2015)
- 2014
- 4th quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (19.3.2015)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (19.3.2015)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (Corrected on 23 March 2015) (19.3.2015)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (19.3.2015)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (19.3.2015)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (19.3.2015)
- 3rd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (17.12.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (17.12.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (17.12.2014)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (17.12.2014)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (17.12.2014)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (17.12.2014)
- 2nd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (18.9.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (18.9.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (18.9.2014)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (18.9.2014)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (18.9.2014)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (18.9.2014)
- 1st quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (19.6.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (19.6.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (19.6.2014)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (19.6.2014)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (19.6.2014)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (19.6.2014)
- 2013
- 4th quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (20.3.2014)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (20.3.2014)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (20.3.2014)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (20.3.2014)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (20.3.2014)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (20.3.2014)
- 3rd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (18.12.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (18.12.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (18.12.2013)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (18.12.2013)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (18.12.2013)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (18.12.2013)
- 2nd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (18.9.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (18.9.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel prices in heat production (18.9.2013)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (18.9.2013)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (18.9.2013)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (18.9.2013)
- 1st quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (20.6.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (20.6.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel Prices in Heat Production (20.6.2013)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (20.6.2013)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (20.6.2013)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (20.6.2013)
- 2012
- 4th quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (20.3.2013)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (20.3.2013)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel Prices in Heat Production (20.3.2013)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (20.3.2013)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (20.3.2013)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (20.3.2013)
- 3rd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (18.12.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (18.12.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel Prices in Heat Production (18.12.2012)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (18.12.2012)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (18.12.2012)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (18.12.2012)
- 2nd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (18.9.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (18.9.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel Prices in Heat Production (18.9.2012)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (18.9.2012)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (18.9.2012)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (18.9.2012)
- 1st quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (19.6.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (19.6.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel Prices in Heat Production (19.6.2012)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (19.6.2012)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (19.6.2012)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (19.6.2012)
- 2011
- 4th quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (20.3.2012)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (20.3.2012)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel Prices in Heat Production (20.3.2012)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (20.3.2012)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (20.3.2012)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (20.3.2012)
- 3rd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (15.12.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (15.12.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel Prices in Heat Production (15.12.2011)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (15.12.2011)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (15.12.2011)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (15.12.2011)
- Appendix figure 7. Price of forest chips (15.12.2011)
- 2nd quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (22.9.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (22.9.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel Prices in Heat Production (22.9.2011)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (22.9.2011)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (22.9.2011)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (22.9.2011)
- Appendix figure 7. Price of forest chips (22.9.2011)
- 1st quarter
- Appendix figure 1. Import prices of oil (22.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 2. Consumer prices of principal oil products (22.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 3. Fuel Prices in Heat Production (22.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 4. Fuel prices in electricity production (22.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 5. Price of electricity by type of consumer, c/kWh (22.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 6. Average monthly spotprices at the Nord Pool Spot power exchange (22.6.2011)
- Appendix figure 7. Price of forest chips (22.6.2011)
Energy prices [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-800X. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 22.2.2025].
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