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Official Statistics of Finland


Producer: Statistics Finland

Latest release:
Innovation expenditure grew in 2018 from two years ago
23 Apr 2020
Over 60 per cent of enterprises employing at least 10 persons were involved in innovation activity in 2016 to 2018. Good one-third of enterprises introduced new or improved products to the market and nearly one half renewed their business processes. Compared with the previous survey of two years ago, EUR 760 million more innovation expenditure was now reported. The data appear from the statistics on enterprises innovation published by Statistics Finland.

Description: The innovation survey carried out every second year is part of the joint project Community Innovation Survey (CIS) coordinated by Eurostat and made in all EU Member States. The main objective of the innovation survey is to examine the generality of innovation activity by enterprises and to chart the characteristics and measures related to innovation activity. The survey makes use of an EU harmonised data collection questionnaire and uniform definitions and methods. The key concepts of the survey are based on the definitions of OECD and Eurostat (Oslo Manual, Guidelines for collecting and interpreting innovation data, 3rd edition, OECD 2005). The statistics are statutory (Finland's Statistics Act 280/2004) and the regulations of the European Union in part require the collection of the data in question (Decision of the European Parliament and the Council (No 1608/2003/EC) and the Commission’s implementing Regulation (No 1450/2004)).
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Keywords: business enterprises, innovation, innovations, product development, research and development activity.
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Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Innovation [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-4399. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 29.3.2025].
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