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Official Statistics of Finland

Citizenships granted

Producer: Statistics Finland

Latest release:
Number of persons receiving Finnish citizenship fell in 2020
07 May 2021
According to Statistics Finland, Finnish citizenship was granted in 2020 to 7,816 foreign citizens permanently resident in Finland. Altogether, 1,833 fewer Finnish citizenships were granted than in 2019. In relative terms, the number fell by 19 per cent from the previous year.

Description: These statistics describe the foreign citizens permanently resident in Finland who have been granted Finnish nationality during the statistical year. A citizen of a foreign country may receive Finnish citizenship after six years’ of residence in Finland. A foreign citizen who has been married to a Finnish citizen and lived in Finland for three years may be granted Finnish citizenship. Finnish citizenship can be granted through an application procedure or a declaration procedure, but the data of Statistics Finland does not contain information on this. Finnish citizenships acquired at birth are not included in these statistics.
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Keywords: dual nationality, foreigners, nationality.
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Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Citizenships granted [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-7169. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 23.10.2024].
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