3. Travel reservations
3.1. Accommodation and tickets for leisure trips are mainly booked online
The Internet seems to have established its position in making reservations for accommodation and means of travel for leisure trips. Of those that booked their ticket or accommodation in advance, the majority had made the reservation online.
For leisure trips with paid accommodation in Finland, 65 per cent of the accommodation was reserved through the Internet. Ninety-seven per cent of domestic flights and 86 per cent of train journeys were reserved online.
Eighty-two per cent reserved their accommodation for leisure trips abroad on the Internet. Ninety-one per cent of persons that flew on leisure trips abroad booked their tickets online. For boat trips, the corresponding figure was 74 per cent.
Of cruises with overnight stay on board, 72 per cent were reserved on the Internet.
3.2. Nearly one-third of leisure trips package tours
Even though independent travel has become considerably easier in the age of the Internet, package tours have not become history. Of leisure trips abroad including at least one overnight stay in the destination country, 29 per cent were package tours. In 2015, altogether 1.8 million package tours were made abroad, which is six per cent lower than one year earlier.
In 2015, the most popular package tour destinations were Greece, the Canary Islands and Turkey. Of trips made to Greece, 86 per cent were package tours and of trips made to Turkey, 68 per cent. People also favour package tours when travelling to the Canary Islands since as many as 80 per cent of the trips there were package tours. Only 17 per cent of the trips to Continental Spain or the Balearic Islands were package tours.
Of the 1.5 million leisure trips to Estonia, which included at least one overnight stay in the destination country, 41 per cent were package tours.
The popularity of package tours is clearly comparable with the age of the traveller. Of trips made by those aged 25 to 44 including overnight stays in the country of destination, 18 per cent were package tours, for those aged 45 to 64 altogether 35 per cent were package tours, and for those aged 65 to 84 a total of 48 per cent were package tours.
Package tours are not as popular in domestic travel as they are when travelling abroad. Of the 6.4 million domestic trips including paid accommodation, only 3.4 per cent were package tours. Fourteen per cent of trips to Uusimaa, thirteen per cent to Lapland and eight per cent to Pirkanmaa were package tours.
The price of a package tour includes at least the trips and accommodation. The package may also include meals, admission tickets, excursions, programme services, treatments, etc.
Source: Finnish Travel, Statistics Finland
Inquiries: Taru Tamminen 029 551 2243, Teemu Okkonen 029 551 2634, liikenne.matkailu@stat.fi
Director in charge: Mari Ylä-Jarkko
Updated 30.3.2016
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF):
Finnish Travel [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-9027. 2015,
3. Travel reservations
. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 28.3.2025].
Access method: http://stat.fi/til/smat/2015/smat_2015_2016-03-30_kat_003_en.html