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Official Statistics of Finland

Index of turnover in industry

Producer: Statistics Finland

Latest release:
Preliminary data: Turnover in industry grew in February
31 Mar 2022
According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, the working day adjusted turnover in industry grew by 22.4 per cent in February 2022 compared with February 2021.

Description: The index of turnover in industry describes development in the turnover of manufacturing enterprises. Turnover for the largest enterprises in their respective industries is described with the data collected with the sales inquiry while the data on sales obtained from the Tax Administration's self-assessed tax data are exploited to describe the turnover of other enterprises. Turnover is exclusive of value added tax. The index is calculated separately for turnover, domestic turnover and export turnover.
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Keywords: branches, business cycles, business enterprises, businesses, companies, corporations, economic fluctuation, enterprises, exports, firms, indices, industries, manufacturing, turnover.
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Change: Industries of enterprises have been revised in the data released in February
15 Feb 2022
Starting from statistical release published in February 2022 the latest industries defined by the Business Register have been taken into use in the turnover and wage and salary indices.

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Index of turnover in industry [e-publication].
ISSN=1798-596X. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 27.9.2024].
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