Survey on Income and living conditions

The survey on income and living conditions collects data about Finnish households' income and living conditions. The survey collects data about, for example, the structure of households, the activities of the household members during the year, housing and housing costs, economic livelihood and health.

Over 10,000 households are invited annually to the survey on income and living conditions. The same respondents participate in the survey in four successive years always in spring.

The results of the survey produce statistics that are available to all of us – and support decisions affecting society. 

Respond to the inquiry

This inquiry is closed.

See the covering letter for instructions on how to respond to the survey. If instructions for web responding are given in the letter, start responding using the button below. The person to whom the covering letter is primarily addressed can log in to the form. After this, other household members can also participate in responding. It is recommended to reserve around 20-30 minutes for responding.

If the letter only mentions a telephone interview, please contact the interviewer whose contact information you will find in the letter.

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This is how to respond

Instructions for responding

How to take part in the survey

The households with more than one person participating in the survey for the first time respond in a telephone interview. Other households can respond either in a telephone interview or by filling in the form online. See the covering letter for instructions on how to respond to the survey. 

If you answer online

You can log in to the web form via the service by pressing the Start responding button above. It is recommended to reserve around 20-30 minutes for responding.

If you answer in a telephone interview

If the letter you received only mentions a telephone interview or if you do not want to respond on the web form, set up a time for the interview by contacting the statistical interviewer. You can find the contact information in the letter sent to you.

Letters sent to respondents

We have sent the respondents a letter when the inquiry started. Have a look at the letter!

Do you need help?

Assistance with responding
Inquiries about data content

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is the survey on income and living conditions about?
From whom are data collected?
Why have I been selected for the survey?
Do I know how to answer your questions?
How does participation in the survey benefit me?
What are the data used for?
What is e-Identification?
Do I have to participate in the survey?
Who can view my data?
I do not want to participate because I am afraid that you will release my data to the Tax Authority or other authorities.
I was asked to participate in the survey but I am moving abroad. Can I still participate?
The interviewer came to call at my home without prior warning.
The person that has been selected for the survey is very old/sick/handicapped/hearing impaired/visually impaired/mentally disabled. Should he or she participate in the survey?
I have a ban on direct marketing. Why did you still send me the letter?
Who can answer the questions?

Data protection, rights and obligations

All data collected for statistical purposes are confidential. When processing data, it is seen to that no person's privacy or business or professional secret are endangered. Every person employed by Statistics Finland has signed a pledge of secrecy.

Data protection description
Confidentiality of data